
"Then let's go." he said as he drove off from the house.

"They probably are going to attack tonight or tomorrow. The chance of them attacking tonight is more. You have to go back gather everyone and make all the weapons ready to use. I think we have enough weapons but if still they are not sufficient then bring more. Get separated in Five teams. one for each members." Jin said looking out of the window thinking more about the plan.

"But their mental condition isn't very good" Yoongi said thinking about the still shocked members.

"Tell them to do it for me. And I know they definitely want revenge so they won't refuse. They're grown up and mature now they know what to do and what to not. And if they actually deny then they are never worthy of being in this group." Jin said with a stern and cold voice being the strict hyung of the group.

"ok. I'm gonna inform Namjoon about these." Yoongi said nodding.

"Everyone should be ready as quick as possible. Stay connected with me all the time. I'll come after sometime."

"No way! You're not coming you're already injured so you're not coming." Yoongi said not taking his eyes off the road.

"Man, I'm not in that critical situation. I'm fit and fine."

"but-... okay you can but only when I say. I mean I and Namjoon will stay connected with you all the time. If there's any problem we'll inform right away and you can come. If it's not that hard to fight it will only be waste of your energy if you come.

Jin didn't respond and just kept on staring at the road.

Yoongi stopped the car infront of the gate as a guard immediately opened it and he went in to the garage. They came out of the car and went inside of the house only to see a man sitting on the sofa all zoned out. The man looked at them startled a bit because of the door opening sound.

He looked at Yoongi then at the person standing beside him as he widened his eyes like he saw a ghost. He squinted his eyes and blinked twice to confirm if he's not dreaming.

"J-Jin h-hyung?...." he said as his eyes filled with tears.

Jin removed his hat and then the mask and looked at the person again with a wide smile opening his arms as the person ran to him and Hugged him like there was no tomorrow. Jin Hugged him back.

" I knew it, I knew it! You didn't die. He was a liar. You didn't leave us. You're right here. I missed you hyung I thought I really lost you" the man said sobbing as Jin patted his back.

"hyung's right here. I won't leave you. How can I stay without you all. Even if I'm going to hell I ain't going without you." Jin said joking as the man pulled away from the hug.

Yoongi standing in a distance looked at them smiling a little.

"But where were you all these time hyung? Oh my... You've got a big bandage all around your head. I'm not going to leave that bastard at all." he said gritting his teeth.

"Calm down NamJoon. Let him get some rest he's weak he has to get some sleep."

"oh. Hyung let's sit down first."

The three man went to the sofa and sat down.

"I'll tell you everything later. For now, we have made a plan to defeat Kang." Yoongi said and ordered a maid to bring water for them.

"What plan?" Namjoon asked curiously.

"Kang is most probably going to attack tonight." Jin started. "You have to gather everyone and tell them to get prepared. Kang is fool but very clever at the same time. He must be planning to attack in a way that we won't be prepared and he can defeat us easily but we can't let that happen." 

"why do you think he's fool though?" Namjoon asked.

"if he wasn't then he wouldn't have left him in that alley." Yoongi said.

"but he wasn't at the alley.." Namjoon said frowning putting the empty glass back.

"because someone else took him before we reached the place" Yoongi said

"huh? Who was that" Namjoon asked

"I'll tell you later" said Yoongi as Namjoon went silent

Jin then started telling about the plan, "You have to get separated in 5 teams. One for each of the members. TEAM ONE of Namjoon, your team will take place on the ground floor, garden and parking area. Take at least 25 people in your team. TEAM TWO of Yoongi. Your team will take place in the cafeteria, the floor of meeting rooms and the first floor of employees. You'll also need at least 25 people in your team.
TEAM THREE of Hobi. Hobi's team will take place in the three left employees floor. He'll need more than 30 peoples. TEAM FOUR of Jimin. His team will be in charge of his, Jungkook's, Hoseok's and their offices. He'll need 20. LAST TEAM FIVE of Jungkook's. He'll be in charge of Your, Namjoon's and mine. He'll need 20 too. Also very importantly, turn off the electricity. No place in office should have electricity okay? Remember these and come back winning! Fighting! "

" Fighting " Yoongi and Namjoon said together

"Don't let any single person know that I'm alive not even the members. They might get excited and make mistakes I'll stay connected with you two all the time and will come later. " Jin again said.

" I said you'll come only if we say. Why are you so stubborn?" Yoongi said whining.

"Yes hyung you should rest. You're weak now so it'll be best if you don't go there." Namjoon added as Jin rolled his eyes.

"Fine" Jin said giving up. "I think you should hurry up." Jin said standing up.

"hm we'll leave in some minutes... Jin hyung was the girl a doctor?" Yoongi asked

"Which girl?" Namjoon asked curious.

"No she wasn't. Why by the way?" Jin said looking at Namjoon then Yoongi.

"Nah nothing.. Did you see a doctor?"

"Yeah they have a family doctor. She checked me and treated my wounds."

"so didn't she suggest you any medicine?"

Jin gulped knowing why Yoongi is asking this. If he said that Y/N gave him paracetamols Yoongi will also make him drink that.

"n-no she D-didn't." Jin said stuttering.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow as Jin laughed hesitantly knowing he was caught.

"Hehe she told me to take paracetamols." He said laughing embarrassingly. "but don't need it anymore I'm alright now."

"Hyung go upstairs and rest I'll tell the maid to give you something warm and the medicine. Take rest and we'll call you after the meeting."

The two men finally looked at the expressionless Namjoon beside them.

"do I exist?" asked Namjoon.

"let's go now I'll tell you everything later" Yoongi said pulling Namjoon with him ready to go.
"You better rest!"Yoongi said walking out

"Yeah take care or else I'll shave your eyebrows off" Namjoon said still being pulled by Yoongi.

Jin just chuckled and waved his hand at them before turning around and heading upstairs.

Longer episode because I was late :')

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