My brother sighs.

I do not hear him speak again.

I drift back to sleep within seconds.


Dozens of bouquets sit atop a table in front of the hospital bed. I notice a reoccurring theme of Lilies, and, while most of the flowers are a subtle shade of white, there are little pops of pink here and there.

Amongst them is a range of cards, which i have not yet read, but, from what i can see, display the most typical greetings.

One card catches my attention; 'best wishes' written on the front of it, and i can just about make out the name Ralph from where i am sitting.

Well, it's nice to hear that this Ralph is thinking of me, but, unfortunately, the only Ralph who comes to mind is the burly Disney character who's movie i adored when i was younger.

Nurse Jones enters the room, a warm smile on her face despite my impassiveness. She's the only nurse who doesn't seem phased by my temperaments.

I don't greet her. I simply step out of bed and hobble to the bathroom. When i return, she is fluffing up my pillows and redressing my bed. She meets my gaze once more, with the same warm smile, and, once again, i do not reciprocate the action.

"There was blood. And not the period kind," i report, rather bluntly.

She spares me a look of sympathy.

"I wouldn't worry too much. We're going to monitor your health within the next few days, but there shouldn't be a cause for concern unless there is an excessive amount of bleeding or your other symptoms worsen."

I nod my head in acceptance.

"I'm sure i can monitor my health just fine," i dismiss her. "At home, that is."

Her mouth pulls into a thin line this time, not in a frustrated fashion but in a stern one.

"You know that's not possible right now, Rori. What, with it being less than twenty-four hours since you were admitted to hospital?"

"My brother Uvaldo was released almost instantly," i argue.

"Yes, but all the bullet did was graze his shoulder. Your brother Vinnie, on the other hand, sustained similar injuries to yourself and was kept in hospital for a few days."

"Vinnie is just a major Crybaby," i insist, and she huffs in amusement.

"How do you feel, generally speaking?" she asks.

"Euphoric," i answer, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "This medication you have me on is really going above and beyond."

She rolls her eyes for the first time and insists that i return to bed, sit up-right, and replenish my fluids.

Even though i can walk to and from the bathroom, she doesn't want me to strain any of my muscles when i am in the process of healing.

It's funny because, even though she says that, i can't feel much at all, and i am convinced whatever medication i was forced to take earlier on is the reason for this.

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