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For a moment, the only sound that came between Kiba and Naruto's stare-off was that of Naurto's heavy breathing. Kiba's hands were shaking and Akamaru looked like it was somewhere between growling and whining. Finally, Naruto opened his mouth.

"Took you long enough," he said. Naruto would have liked it to have sounded more defiant, but really he was only managing exhausted, "I was kind of offended when you didn't recognize me when we met. Did all those times we cut class together and read manga mean nothing to you?"

That last bit sounded better. More mocking and less tired.

Kiba glared at him.

"Why are you attacking your own home!" he nearly screamed, "What did they tell you? Did they tell you that you weren't cared about? Everyone looked for you! We started a war because of what Iwa did! If...if you surrender and come back now, Danzo-sama'll accept you. I know it. You're tough, and you're Konoha nin."

"...Yeah, and that's all that matters isn't it?" Naruto said, "But there's a problem. Some of my friends aren't Konoha nin. I'll have to pass."

For a minute Kiba looked confused, but slowly he seemed to see what Naruto was saying.

"So, you're really an enemy," He muttered.

"Eh, sorta, kinda," Naruto said with a shrug, "I'm against Danzo. You'd be too if you knew what I do."

"SHUT UP!" Kiba all put screamed, leaping for an attack.

Honestly, Naruto didn't have time for this. He was already late due to trying to figure out how to fight Sora with Kyuubi causing problems. Maybe another time when they could fight to their heart's content. He jumped up, ricocheted off a tree and managed to get behind Kiba, kicking him in the back and sending him forwards into the horde of Kage Bunshin waiting.


"Ship-puu no Nar-uto Rendan!" Naruto and the Bunshin yelled, each landing a kick on him, sending him into the air until a final above kick drove him to the ground, next to Sora, completely unconscious.

It was an old technique, but useful. He had made it after Tsunade showed Sakura a combo that she thought she might like, and he had made a bet with Sai and Sasuke that he could copy it without training. He'd won.

Naruto landed next to Kiba and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Kiba, I really wish I had the time to tell you everything. Even though I don't think that you'd believe me right now," Naruto sighed.

There was a growling from behind him and Naruto turned to face Akamaru. He looked like he was ready to kill.

"I didn't hurt him that bad!" Naruto protested, "He'll be a little sore that's it!"

Akamaru didn't seem that impressed. He ran forwards to attack, but the Naruto clone poofed the moment Akamura bit down.

"Akamaru!" Yelled Naruto from somewhere, the echoes distorting his voice, "Tell Kiba I'm sorry, and that if he wants to learn why, he needs to learn about when the Sandaime died. Tell him that we weren't ever kidnapped, and to look out for Yumi. She shouldn't have the Sharingan if she's his age."

Akamaru growled, and Naruto was pretty sure that whatever he said was pretty offensive, but he turned around and jumped off. He had a group of meet up with, and the designated spot wasn't that far off.

Naruto : Struggle Of ChildhoodWhere stories live. Discover now