She flicked her wrist again, and Sakura started to jump back away from it. The problem was that with the wound in her foot, Sakura wasn't as fast as she had been, and Naruto noticed the whip's tip was actually stretching. Sakura seemed to notice it as well, since she was starting to try to move faster.

"If that's a Genin, I'll take a nap right now," Gaara muttered.

Yumi flicked her wrist one final time, and the whip was aimed straight for Sakura, or rather, her neck. Sakura didn't have time to dodge, and she was already in midair. She only had time to raise one hand to the level of her eyes as the whip wrapped itself around her neck and her wrist. The fact that Sakura had her wrist there, allowed her to breathe. It was bleeding, but there was a small smile on her lips.

"Somewhat impressive," Yumi said softly, "So you managed to keep yourself from being killed."

She tighted the rope, and there was a sick crack as Sakura's wrist broke. Sakura didn't scream, but her gritted her teeth in pain and closed her eyes.

"Now, now," Yumi took a step forwards, "You really should scream. Bow down and beg for mercy, and you might find me to be generous. If not, I can continue this for hours."

The whip tightened again for emphasis, and Sakura bit down hard on her lip until blood flowed. She glared at Yumi.

"Do it," she snarled.

"Such bravery is foolish. I gave you a chance to preserve your life that did not endanger your loyalty to your village. Only a fool wouldn't take it." She continued tightening the whip, "You should have forfeited when you knew that you were matched against the elite. Did you honestly believe that some low born child who has no clan to call her own would be a match for a child of the greatest of all bloodlines? I did not even need to activate the Sharingan to fight you. Weak."

Sasuke was starting to shake with rage.

"I'll kill you slowly, girl," Yumi tighten the whip again and a small groan escaped Sakura.

"This match is over," Hayate said, finally deciding to get involved, "Emi can no longer continue this fight. The winner is Uchiha Yumi."

Yumi whirled on him, and for the first time, Naruto saw a true emotion on her face: rage.

"Stay out of this you pathetic excuse for a ninja," she snarled.

Before she could continue her torture, a kunai whizzed past Yumi's face, barely missing.

"Darn, I missed," Sasuke said calmly, he had jumped into the arena and was holding two other kunai, "You heard him, Uchiha. The match is over. If you don't leave, I'll make you."

For a moment, Sasuke and Yumi stared at one another, and Naruto got the feeling that Sasuke was trying hard not to activate the Sharingan. Naruto could almost feel the tension between them. In the mean time, medics had taken advantage of the situation and were releasing the semi-conscious girl from the whip that was digging into her wrist and neck and laying her on a stretcher.

Kimimaro jumped down and looked back up at the others.

"I'm going with her," he said, "Give me the blow by blow later."

Naruto nodded and looked over at Sasuke and Yumi. They hadn't said anything yet, and they seemed to be unaware of anything else. Finally Sasuke moved, taking out one kunai, he cut his hand. Holding out the hand, he touched some of the blood with his finger, and wrote something on his arm.

Naruto : Struggle Of ChildhoodWhere stories live. Discover now