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After the two of you embrace and share a memorable kiss, Dario pulls away with a bright smile. You're both left breathless and flustered after the intense moment, so he leans on your shoulder and takes a minute to catch his breath.

You smile, feeling happy and relaxed, and lean your head against him. This is the perfect moment, and you both don't want to waste it.

As you both stand up from the bench, Dario offers to walk you home. You thank him and accept his suggestion, glad that the night is not over yet.

You two start walking through the park, taking in the beauty of the night and enjoying each other's company. You share more stories and talk about various topics, having fun and enjoying the moment.

As you approach your home, Dario says that he had an amazing night, and that he wishes to see you again soon.

You stop outside your house and say goodbye to Dario. You thank him for the wonderful evening and for walking you home. He kisses you once again, before leaving.

You enter your house, but before going to bed, you pull out your phone and send Dario a text message. You tell him how much you enjoyed the night with him and how you'd love to do it again.
You fall asleep with a smile, thinking about your future with Dario.

You wake up the next morning, feeling refreshed and excited. You immediately take your phone and check if Dario replied to your text message. He hasn't, which leaves you feeling conflicted.

You debate on whether you should send another text, and if it's too early in the morning to do so. The thoughts make you nervous, and you don't know what to do.
You don't want to seem too clingy or desperate, but you can't help but feel impatient and anxious about his reply.

After thinking about it for a while, you decide to text him. You don't want him to forget about your text and your feelings, so you text again. You ask him if he got your other message and that you enjoyed last night, and you're wondering if he felt the same way too. You thank him again for walking you home and for the wonderful night.

As you wait for his answer, you begin to feel anxious again and you start tapping your feet to release the energy.

The minutes pass by, and you don't receive a text from Dario. You start to wonder if he got your message, or if he's ignoring you. As the hours pass and you still don't receive an answer, your anxious thoughts begin to grow. You start to imagine scenarios in which he doesn't like you or that he's just playing with your emotions.

Eventually, it's time for you to get ready for school. You take a moment to check your phone again, but there's still no response from Dario. You feel disappointed and confused, unsure of what to do next.

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