Chapter Seventeen

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Alana's POV


I haven't left Oscar's house in weeks. Aside from school and work. As well as going to church on Sunday's with my family and the best part? Oscar comes too. Mami finally lets me and him sit next to each other at church too. Then we go back to the house and have a big family dinner. Even though she gets completely annoyed by Amber.

I don't know who hates Amber more though... Mami or Oscar. Last week she kept asking Oscar why he has a teardrop tattoo and how many people he's killed. He tries to dodge the question but Amber won't stop asking offensive questions.

Like "When you kill someone do you just leave their body or do you hide it?" or "Do you all have funky nicknames? Why Spooky? Do you really love Halloween?"

Mario would try to change the subject and then Amber would start up with some bullshit Santo shit again. "So if I keep the baby here, since it'll be a whitina will it have to join your group? How do you even join? Do I have to join?"

Oscar breathed in and held his breath before exhaling and Abuelita gasped loudly. Mami slammed her fist onto the table and Papi stood up quickly. "Oscar? I need some help in the kitchen. Care to help me?"

His chair slid out so fast when he stood up I had to catch it before it hit the ground. "Glady, Mr. Martinez. I will gladly help you."

My eyes fell onto Amber who sat there looking at me completely confused. "Did I say something wrong?"

Mario ignored her. But I couldn't ignore her. I couldn't let her get away with the shit she's been saying to my man not just all night tonight but every Sunday now for weeks. After two weeks Mami stopped asking me why I don't come home anymore. I told her I do go home. Every night.

She understood what I meant.

And so long as Amber is under the roof I once called home I will never go back. My parents finally get that. They see how good Oscar treats me and how happy I've been. My grades are better than they were before and I've even started working longer hours at Dwayne's and doing more than just taking orders and busting tables. He's been letting me do delivery orders to get some extra cash too from the tips.

"You always say something wrong." I said loudly. "Every fucking time you open your mouth it's something wrong, Amber. I know you can't keep your legs closed but have you ever tried keeping your fucking mouth shut?"

Amber shrugged and went back to eating off her plate. ""I just want to know more about where Mario came from."

"Well Mario was never in the fucking gang so you can stop right there." I answered her and when I looked up Papi and Oscar were standing in the doorway ready to swoop in if I started really flying off the handle.

Oscar always said my mouth would get me killed but maybe today my mouth would make Amber shut the fuck up.

"I'm curious-"

"Don't be fucking curious. Curiosity killed the cat. And anyone else who sniffs around too close to my familia. Got it? Ask about the Santos again and you won't be able to ask a damn thing ever."

"What's that supposed to mean?" She crossed her arms and furrowed her brows at me.

I felt Oscar's hand on my shoulder and he mumbled, "Up. Let's go outside, get some air."

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