Chapter Sixteen

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Oscar's POV


Ruby really stayed with me all day long. I put him on stupid tasks to see what he'd do and how he'd react. Made him carry my groceries and sit in the car while I ran errands to get gifts for Alana.

Even after we got back to my crib he hung around. I set up the roses on the table and spread some petals in the bedroom and on my bed. Which I actually made for once and Ruby was so eager to help me he offered to make the bed. Until he realized why I was making my room like as nice as I was.

"Ew. You plan to have sex with my sister-"

"The fuck you think we do in our free time? Knit scarves?" I scoffed at him as I continued to spread out rose petals and put the boxes from the jeweler on the bed. Leaving them closed so she can be even more surprised when she opens them.

I got her a ring and matching bracelet but no, it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. She loves promises and she's fucking crazy about them so if I give her a symbol of me wanting to hold a promise to her she'll understand that I'm serious about her. More serious than she thinks I am.

The diamond on it is shaped like a heart and inside the band I had my name engraved. So she'll always have my heart and my name attached to her as a promise. The bracelet is all diamonds and seems dainty but she isn't a flashy kind of girl. It's just enough for her and what's enough for her is enough for me. I know she'll love it no matter what.

I started cooking dinner on the grill when Alana texted me that she was finishing up in the shower and would be here soon. Again, I put Ruby in charge of being my bitch for the day and since he still refuses to leave until Alana gets here I have him cutting up limes.

"Who taught you how to use a knife?" I said as I flipped over some steak on the grill. "Have you ever cut a lime before?"

He shook his head. "Kind of hard with one hand."

"If you want to be a Santo you need to learn to do things with one hand. You never know what situation you'll be in." I said as I closed the lid on the grill, taking a good knife into my hands and showing Ruby the proper way to slice into a lime. "Do it like this, Ru."

Ruby nodded. "Can you teach me to shoot?"

"Not tonight." I replied dryly. "When are you going home anyways?"

Ruby didn't say anything. "I don't think I want too."

"You're just like you're sister." I snorted with laughter. Shaking my head as I opened the grill up again to check the steaks. "She never wants to go home. And now since you're dad said she can stay as long as she wants... I don't think you'll ever see her in that house again. Looks like you'll have your own room after all."

He shook his head. "Mario has that room now. Alana had to go back into the basement room with Abuelita and she's pissed."

"Mario?" I was confused until I remembered how Alana told me Mario is having a baby. Which blows my mind that Geny would allow for Mario and his girlfriend to have a baby under that roof. If it were Alana and I then Alana would be at my door already with her bags packed completely.

Maybe that's what I should do to get her here permanently.

But then that would involve actually having a kid and I'm far from ready for that. Not with this bullshit I've got going on with Cesar right now. He's the only kid I'll have for a long ass time. And if Ruby keeps hanging around then I won't ever need a kid of my own. I'll be too busy chasing them around and keeping them out of fucking trouble.

Amor Prohibido (OSCAR DIAZ X OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt