Chapter Twelve

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Alana's POV

New Year's Eve

It's been almost a month since Olivia died. Since that night of the quince. The front of our house is one big memorial. I hate seeing it. As much as I hate being in my room alone now. We sent her stuff to her parents but I begged Mami to let me keep one of her teddy bears. I sleep with it every single night and when it starts to just smell like stale tears I spray it down with her perfume that way I can still be comforted by her scent.

It got to the point that when Ruby came home from the hospital I tried to convince him to share a room with me. He didn't want too. He didn't want to sleep in that bed that once belonged to Olivia. So we decided it was best for all of us to donate the bed.

I sat on my bed in my dress for our new year's party. I still don't understand why we're having one but whatever. I decided to dress in black. A long sleeve black mini dress with my golden cross clutched in my hands.

Ruby came into my room and sat next to me blankly.

"Can you tell me now?" He asked softly. His arm in a sling from when he had hit the ground, he broke his elbow. He wore a suit and starting picking at the wrinkles even though I had perfectly pressed his suit three times so he wouldn't complain.

I flickered my eyes to him and shook my head. "Alana. Tell me what Olivia said. You promised you'd tell me when I was ready to know."

"You're not ready."

"I am. It will help me grieve. Come on, Alana." He started to get a little upset with his words and I don't blame him. My phone started to vibrate and I saw it was Oscar and I pressed ignore. "Still not talking to him?"

"He kicked Cesar to the streets and said I'm not allowed to take him in. That makes me break my promise-"

"You're breaking another by not telling me what Olivia said before she died. She wanted you to tell me something. What was it." Ruby used his good hand and reached for mine. "I can handle it."

I sucked in a deep breath. "Pay him back."

Ruby narrowed his brows and looked confused. "I don't owe anyone money-"

"That's not what she meant, Ruby." I felt a sob in the back of my throat but I choked it back. It made my voice crack but it was better than bursting into tears. "She wants you to kill Latrelle for her."

Ruby looked straight forward and gave one single nod before he stood up. Walking in almost a haze to the door and putting his hand onto the handle but not yet turning the nob. He looked over his shoulder at me and just blinked.

"Don't." I said softly.

"Talk to Spooky. Just... Maybe he has an update on that situation." Ruby said before he opened the door and with it wide open and my parents in the dining room he said, "I love you. You know that right?"


Mario was home for break and I had never been so excited to see anyone before in my entire life. I jumped into his arms and nearly popped him with how hard I squeezed him. He coughed and had to peel me off of him.

"I've been gone 5 months and you act like you haven't seen me in 5 years." He said as he kissed my forehead and then used his index finger to lift my face up to look at him. "You look like ass, sis."

"Fuck you." I laughed in his face. "You look like you haven't slept in 5 months. Can't sleep without your favorite sister reading you a bedtime story?"

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