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Monday came quickly, Haley let Evelyn stay the weekend with Kayce knowing she'd get to school one way or another. Haley couldn't stop thinking about everything with her house, she was worried that Tommy was closer to her then she was hoping. She didn't even know how to start to explain the whole Tommy situation to any of the dutton's to tell them that she let him into here life for him to become abusive and stalk her. With all her thoughts running in her head she didn't even realize that she had gotten in her car let alone drove to work, getting out of her car she walked inside saying good morning to her assistant she went inside her office to start her day and to see if she had any meetings or what the school had planned for today. She ran her fingers through her hair as she started working on paper work for new student's that were start this week and some students who were transferring over from another school

As the day flew by Haley noticed it was time for lunch, sighing she decided to call her brother to see if he knew or heard anything about tommy. After the third ring he picked up " Aren't you at work right now?" Haley laughed at her brother "Well hello to you too Shawn" He chuckled "It's not that i don't love hearing from you but aren't you?" She smiled through the phone " Yes but i have a question" Shawn listened as the tone in her voice changed "Everything okay Haley?" He asked his sister, Haley looked around her office for a moment as she sighed "Have you heard or seen Tommy at all" Shawn sat up in his chair "Why? Haley is he there? Did you get you? You haven't told the dutton's yet? Haley what the hell" Haley leaned back in her chair that was one phrase she heard a lot growing up from her brother. She sighed " No, i haven't see him and he's not here i don't think" Shawn stood up as he started pacing " You don't think? Haley whats going on do i need to come up there" Haley leaned her head back" No No you don't have to come up here Shawn, It's just things have been going on lately that he would have done to let me know he was close. So i don't know if im going crazy or what" Shawn sighed " Haley you need to tell the dutton's or even rip so they can keep and eye out! Tommy is dangerous, the last time i almost did get to you in time and if no one know's about him and he's up there with you" He pinched the bridge of his nose " Haley i don't want to even think about what could happen to you " Haley closed her eyes " I know in will tell rip i promise just let me know if you know or hear anything and don't tell Julianna please" Shawn sighed " Please do and i wont, now we both have to get back to work I'll call you later" They both said goodbye as they hung up

Brittani looked up at a flower delivery man bring flowers " May i help you" He walked over and smiled at her " Im delivering these flowers for a Haley bennett?" Brittani stood up taking the flowers from him placing them down, Im her secretary i can sign for them" Brittani signed quickly as the man left smiling at the flowers she carried them into the office " You know Haley, I wish that i had someone like you who would send me flowers during the day" She placed them on Haley's desk. Haley stood up and smiled as she looked at the photos thinking they were from Ashton she picked up the card as she started reading the car " Until we meet again my darling, you will be back in my arm's forever love always Thomas Stark" Haley's face turned white as a ghost brittani looked at her "Haley?" Haley looked at brittani " Um im suddenly not feeling well, have the VP fill in for me, and I'll have my Kayce or John pick up Evelyn" Brittani looked at haley worriedly as she watched her pack her things up and walked out of the office

Haley got in her car and started it, she pulled out of her spot and headed towards. Her house as she was driving she sent  john and quick message asking him to pick up Evelyn. Once Haley was home she went in the house and locked the door  as she took a deep breath she looked around everything was how it was supposed to be. Getting lost in her thoughts she jumped when she heard the door, walking over she  peaked out through the window  seeing it was John she opened the door " John did you get my text" John smiled as he walked in " yes i did but then i saw you speed past me everything okay?" Haley nodded and knew that the next sentence she would say he would not believe her " Everything is prefect" She smiled softly. " haley im not going to push you into tell me what's going on, but when your ready we are all here for you. I'll protect you anyway i can, I'd protect you just like one of my own"  Haley smiled " I know and i will let you know soon i just have to deal with a few things first" He nodded as he walked towards the door "you let me know when your ready" Haley nodded as he left leaning back against the door, she knew one thing getting those flowers meant Tommy was close and he wouldn't stop til he had her

Tommy watched Haley from after she got the flowers to her speeding him, Smirking  he watched as she kept looking over her shoulder. It meant one thing she knew he was there and that he was coming for her,  the question was how much longer could her wait til  he had her again

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