EPISODE Three Long road Ahead pt5

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Ben : maybe we could Walk?

Kenny: that's fucking stupid Ben.

Travis: yeah

Ben : I'm just saying...

Izuku: lay off him okay let's try to figure this out guys not loose are cool

Carley: I agree with izu

Lee: yeah.

Chuck: hmm. I dunno; I ain't much experience with y'all fortitude but we could probably deal with that. We got a goddamn train.

Kenny: that things not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel something that's going explode.

Chuck: you gotta get ahold of yourself. This is a crew here.

Kenny walks up to him face to face

Kenny: this ain't shit.

Chuck: this--

??? : yo, you keep screaming like that and you're gonna get your face chewed off

Woman: are you guy's going to be trouble? Because we could of just keep walking.

Izuku: no we're cool

Lee : yeah we're friendly. Put your hand down ken.

Woman: that's what everybody says.

Travis: we know!

???: let's give these guys a break.

Woman: we'll see.

???: you guys got a problem with your train?

Kenny: yeah you're standing right in front of it .

???: dude it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send you're buddy up here to have a look.

Kenny: anything goes sideways up there we won't let them escape.

Lee goes to the ladder to meet the new people and the damage

Izuku: Ben Travis you two go up on the train check out if anything comes at us

Ben : you gotta it

Travis: whatever

Duck: what I do izuku?

Kenny: you stick by me duck that's what you're doing

Duck: oh.. okay

He goes up next to he's dad with head down

Izuku: Carley you go-

He turns to see Clementine and Carley climbing the ladder following Lee he shakes he's head and sits next to Chuck.

Izuku: so you think you might stick around with us for awhile

Chuck shrugs: I guess you seem like good folks and it's not like I got anything else going on.

Izuku: be happy to have you on board chuck I'm sure everyone else agrees

Few minutes later Lee Carley the two new people and Clementine got down

Lee : guys this is Christa and omid

Group was silent

Izuku: welcome nice to meet you two

Omid: freckles is nice on the welcome party

Carley: like Lee said Been a long day.

Lee: could use some good people.

Omid: well hi just wanted to say you're train pretty cool.

Duck: I know right so awesome if only we can get a batmobile!

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