Shopping! Woohoo!

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Percy's pov:

Cursive is parseltongue or any other animal language.

After I told them really briefly what she had teached me, we got to one of the vaults. It was the smallest one from Gaunt but it still had a lot of coins.

For a few of the gold ones I got a pouch that only I could open and that was connected to all of the vaults.

"So, can we go shopping now?" I excitedly asked.

Severus sighed at my antics.

"Yes, Percy. We will now go shopping." he drawled but I saw a bit of amusement in his eyes.

After saying goodbye to the goblins we left and walked back to the busy street.

"Since you are new to the wizarding world, we will need you to get a wand. I would like to take you to Oliviander's but he is closed. Do you know a good wand shop, Severus?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, but it is in Knockturn alley. The owner makes the wands when you are there so you can get the best combination. It also doesn't have a trace from the Ministry"

"Do you mind going to a darker spot? It kinda feels unsafe there."

"I can defend myself if I need to." I just said.

Sevy nodded and we followed him to a darker turn. We walked past a few werewolves and other creatures that were growling at Remus. But one really nasty look from me shut them efficiently up.

Severus stopped for a small shop and ushered us inside.

It was pretty dark inside but it didn't smell like most old buildings. You could almost smell the magic and the wood polish.

A silky voice from the back got our attention.

"Welcome back Severus. I see you brought guests?"

"Good to see you again, Lilin."

"Do your guests know the rules?"

"I'm sorry to ask, but what rules are you talking about? Severus didn't tell us anything." I asked, looking at the gloomy man in surprise and a bit of annoyance.

"Because I know Remus knows them, and I trust and know you enough to know you would not need to know them to follow them."

The smooth voice started explaining.

"My shop is open for every type of wizard and a lot of 'dark' creatures work here. If you say anything negative about that or how they look, the person you said that to has my permission to curse you one time and you get kicked out. Do you agree or do you want to leave safely while you still can."

"I agree and will follow your rules. I promise." I said, not even having to think about it. I didn't have any problem at all with the things he just said. I actually really support him and the way he tries to help other creatures.

He walked out of the shadows.

The guy was really tall, around two meters and thin. He had alabaster skin and black, silky hair that lay in loose curls on his shoulders. His eyes were so dark blue that they were almost black.

He was wearing a black suit with some silver details on the cuffs and a grey tie.

He was pretty hot.

He walked elegantly to the front were we were standing and gave Severus a half hug and did a complicated handshake with Remus. He took my hands to his lips and almost brushed a soft kiss on my knuckles. I blushed really lightly but got my face back to normal before he let my hand go and gave me a soft smile.

Another grandson of voldemort story (percyxremus)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ