Looks like a place for Nico

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Percy's pov:

I woke up not knowing shit. The only thing I knew was that they had jasonned me.
I was in a dark and gloomy room. It kinda looked like the Hades cabine without the sculls. I was bound to a chair. I,m not gonna lie, it was a pretty comfortable chair. It was made of cherry wood and had nice dark green cushions. The rope around my wrist was a bit less nice. If I didn't have much experience escaping these specific situations, it would probably hold me in place for a while. Sadly, I think this isn't the first, and also not last time I was getting kidnapped and bounded on a chair by people who do not like me or my family. This time, they didn't take my pen or any other daggers away from me. Stupid wizards.

"If you want him to work with us, why in the name of Morgana's holy morning coffee did you threw a brick at his head?! He could have a concussion!"

I heard someone screaming outside. I recognized the voice imidiatly. It was Remus.

"Why do you care so much for him? He is the grandson of the Dark Lord!"

"You don't give people concussions because of their family, Sirius. That is not fair."

Before the argument could get out of hand I decided to sass myself for once.

"You know, I think I lack the brains to have any type of brain problems. There is a reason everyone calls me Seaweedbrain."

Remus opened the door and walked in. Sirius was behind him. He still looked red. Then came our dear old Wulfric.

"You know, you were more likeable when you were a dog."

Before he could do something Nico would do if you insulted Will, Remus shushed him.

"You could be a bit more polite, you know." Dumbydoor said.

"You could try not to kidnap your possible teachers, you know." I bit back.

"Especially if they were willing to talk about it and maybe get an agreement."

Remus looked surprised an happy at that. Sirius looked also shocked, but less happy. And Doorman had a calculating look in his eyes.

"You would want to teach? Even with the -umh little problem?"

"Well before y'all jasoned me, I was gonna say that I would give it a chance and ask for the contract."

"What the hell is 'jasoned'?" Sirius asked. I could not stop a small chuckle from coming out of my mouth.

"Camp thing. I have a friend named Jason and he gets knocked out a lot, a lot of times by a dam brick, so it became a saying. If someone trows a brick at you, they try to Jason you. If you faint because you got hit by something, you Jasonned. Explains a lot while saying less."
Artemis pov:
We were sitting around the campfire roasting marshmallows (and some famous men) when Thalia started smiling softly with a nostalgic, kinda sad look in her eyes.

"Is their something on your mind? I asked the young huntress.

"I can feel the power of the dam bricks, Mylady. It's Kelp Head."

I saw the tears in her eyes. Everytime someone mentioned her brother or Zoë, she got them. She really missed them. I also missed Zoë. And Jason was one of the only men I didn't want to shoot trough the head as soon as I saw him.
Percy's pov:
I got some tears in my eyes and hoped no one saw them.

"Anyway, I think I need to think about what I'm gonna do. And get a message to my mom. Tell her exactly this.

Aquaman is fine. It isn't Tartarsauce or Dirtface. Just the pointy hat people. Might be here for the whole dam year."

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