First he needed to know why you came back like this to the base.

"Bitte, Shade. You look anything but proffesional, right now."

As soon as he stepped closer his eyes met with mine. Oh Lord. How much danger did they hold, they were exactly what captivated me in the first place. I decided to tease him a little. Would he act like he did in the cafeteria?

"Really? Because those, are my work clothes."

Work? Clothes? He couldn't understand what you meant. They send you on the battlefield like this? Or... His face scrunched in anger, although the mask hid his expression the movement of his eyebrows was enough to know.

"Undercover? With no weapons? Who made you go like this?"

"That's classified information, Sir."



"It's König. Bitte."

His face softened and so did his voice, an almost pleading tone made his accent more apparent.

That is.

So fucking cute.

I turned around now fully facing him and leaned against the small stone wall with my back, moving my hands behind my back. I watched as his eyes grew wider.

"You are... you are injured!"

Only now he was able to make out the blood stains on my dress, the darkness of the night making the bandages look like they were a part of it.

He quickly moved closer to me, inspecting whether the blood truly belonged to me.

"Are you okay? Why are you here and not resting when you got hurt?!"

"Boże, König. I'm fine. See? I already got treated." - (God)

My hands were placed on his chest as he held me by my shoulders. His eyes staring deep into mine, making sure I am telling the truth.

After he confirmed I was fine he let go of me and stepped away.


"It's okay." I breathed out.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but was unsure if he should.

"Is something wrong?"

"I... Do I not scare you, Mein Liebling?"

I almost immediately forgot what he just asked me as I heard his last words.

Mein Liebling? My Darling? I must have heard wrong.

"No, König. You don't scare me."

I could see a spark in his eyes when he heard his name. Adorable.

"Do you want to sit with me for a bit?"

He looked a little surprised but nodded his head and stood next to me. He was a little awkward, obviously nervous, but he seemed like great company.

"So, why were you still awake?"

"I couldn't sleep." He looked hesitant but answered anyway.


The Colonel didn't move nor speak. However I understood, I went through it as well after all.

I sat down on the gravely roof, he soon followed my lead, we both looked at the sky.

"It always helps me, when I can't sleep. The stars, watching the sky in the night, it's mesmerizing."

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