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Taehyung pulled his fiancé away with him, who was grinning like a lunatic. They couldn't walk out, though, because right before they could exit, they saw Jin and Hoseok standing by the door, with unreadable expressions on their faces.

"Hyung… I… " Taehyung whispered, unsure of what to say. He was afraid that the newcomers had already heard the conversation that happened between him and the eldest Kim.

"Taebear…" Jin stepped in, suddenly embracing his brother and losing the bearing he had been holding on for so long. He sobbed violently in his brother's arm, who stood up for him, against his own father.

Taehyung engulfed him back, whispering in his ears,

"No hyungie, no. Not here. Let me take you home. This fathead shouldn't see you crying. Not because of him."

"No, you pabo! I am not crying because of him. I am crying because I can't believe my Taebear has grown so much that he is now saving his hyungie's honour from mean bullies!” Seokjin spoke, with a wet chuckle leaving his lips.

“Hyung…” Taehyung was so dumbfounded by his hyungs behaviour that he couldn’t form a coherent sentence. Seeing this, Seokjin pulled him into a bear hug. But their reunion turned short as they heard the owner of the house speak,

“Seokjin, you can not just go around and call your father names.” The old man seethed in anger.

“Oh, really, father? I thought it should be okay, as just a minute before you were calling me names! Sorry, I thought you were leading by example.” Seokjin bit back.

“You both have turned into brats. I won’t tolerate this behaviour. I would donate my whole property to a charity if you keep being this disrespectful.”

This time, it was Hoseok who stepped in,

“You really think they both would care, Dr Kim? Your eldest son is the leading actor in the country. He is even globally recognized, and your youngest is a leading scientist in the world and soon to become a royalty by wedding, and you think your property is what they kept you around for? No, Dr Kim. Seokjin always thought that someday you would learn to love him if he did things to appease you, and Tae did so because he didn't want to hurt his hyung. Although, now that we see it, I think they have finally realised that they don’t need you. Their love for each other is enough for them. So, farewell, Dr Kim. Just so you know, I am marrying Seokjin immediately this week, and just like Taehyung said, you are not invited.”


The party of brothers and soon to be brother-in-laws had now landed up in the Kim-Jung penthouse, and the household was now full of people, food, laughter, and a lot of warmth.

Hoseok had managed to call their friends about their sudden wedding announcement. Namjoon and Yoongi who were now there with their partners. The three couples had become a tight group of friends while making the great Korean dating scandal of the century. They had spent countless hours making up the controversy and creating evidence of it. It indeed was a good bonding exercise (no pun intended).

Right now, Jimin and Jazz were busy pestering Jin about how he should wear white to his wedding as the colour made him look like a Godsent angel. But somehow Jin was adamant about wearing black. Meanwhile, Hoseok, along with Yoongi and Namjoon, were focused on the logistics part of the wedding. If they should marry in the courthouse or in the privacy of their own terrace where they could commit to each other in the presence of their close family and friends. And the royal couple? The Prince had vanished in the guest room under the pretence of making a call to Eunji and checking up on her, and the scientist had followed his suit ten minutes later.

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