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Unknown location:

A telephonic conversation:

"You set me up, didn't you? Just like last time."

"What nonsense are you talking about, Lee?"

"You told me the house was empty. I can get in and out without any issue. Thanks to the key, I somehow entered the house from the backyard. But when I got upstairs, I saw the prince and his nerd in the bedroom, getting all frisky. I had to jump out of the window before they saw me. It alerted the people around. And for your kind information, the house is surrounded by undercover agents. Thank God I have been a Pap for the past 10 years, I could at least sneak out looking like a junkie. But I swear to God, if they had taken me in, I would have taken both you and your boss with me."

"Mind your language, Lee. The king would have your tongue if he was to hear you speaking."

"I won't call him a shit. He is no king. If he was, why would he need a pap like me to do his dirty work? Most importantly,  why would he trust a schmuck like you to be his right hand. Anyway you better transfer me the money you promised, else I am going to the knight myself and spilling all your secrets."

The call ended abruptly.

"I am going to end this fcker… How dare he…" he shouted.

"No you can't. Stop giving empty threats to people when you know that you can't do a shit. You don't have enough money or power." A voice roared in the room, making Hiroshi flinch

"My King… I am sorry…" Hiroshi stuttered.

"Sorry for what? For making my life difficult or for unleashing that pap into a frenzy?"

"I didn't know he would act out…"

"You didn’t know?" The 'king' chuckled darkly. "I told you he was not fit for the job. He is too confident and too full of himself. I explicitly told you not to let him go this far. This was a careless move. You thought that he was so dumb and so under your control that when you set him into a trap, he won't understand and he won't spread out all your dirty laundry for the world to see?"

"He won't dare… we are much more powerful…" Hiroshi stuttered out, but his face was much paler than his voice.

"Powerful? You know I don't rule the country yet, right? And I can't buy people because of the way the queen rules. She wouldn't spare me just because we share the same bloodline, just like I won't spare you just because I am allowing you to marry in my family. Get your shit together or be ready to say goodbye to your love! Anyway Kyungmi has better suitors lined up for her."

"No, please! I love her…"

"And I love the throne. So if I see you messing with my dream to sit on it, I for sure will end you!"


After being alerted by the crashing sound the couple had rushed to the back-door only to find a person in a waiter's costume and another one in his casual gym clothes, inspecting the backyard.

"Your majesty, apologies for the disturbance. I am agent A67 and this is my colleague agent K54. We are here to inspect the possible intrusion that might have caused the sound." The one with the waiter's costume said.

"It's… it's fine. But what do you mean by intrusion? Is the place not safe for us?" The prince who was shaken by the incident managed to speak.

"We don't know for sure. On the surface it looks like a junkie broke in while trying to steal from an abandoned house, but a thorough enquiry is still recommended. Our agents are on the CCTV footage of the surroundings, as we speak. And Sir Park is on his way here. He might relocate you both to a safer place. Meanwhile, please stay inside, away from any window or direct exit." The agent with the gym clothes informed them.

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