Let's Pretend

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"Why on earth would you think that I would even agree to this exorbitant plan? I am not dating this robot!"

"Oh really? And I am not dating this neanderthal. Who's plan is this?" The scientist yelped.

"Mine! And it's the greatest plan of all time!" Jazz chided. Namjoon facepalmed and pleaded,

"Babe, please…" 

"Oh shut up you baby-maker. Do I ever get into your business and tell you how to bake those eggs?" Jazz deadpanned. 

"Stop calling me that, and it's called in vitro fertilisation, not baking…" Namjoon reverted, clearly annoyed by his girlfriend's antics. 

"Whatever, just don't interrupt me. This is THE plan, you know. The only way you both can dodge the legalities and get to keep what's rightfully yours. I am a screen-writer for a reason. Trust me on this." 

They all had gathered at the Min's estate, in the outskirts of Seoul. Well, not very willingly though. Most of them were dragged there either by their hyungs or partners.

"Yeah! Like trusting some shady stranger with some made-up profession is a sane thing to do!" The sarcasm king, Taehyung spit, making everyone in the room gape except Seokjin. Seokjin wasn't gaping, right! Because he was busy seething, and glaring at his younger brother, just because.

Jazz countered, not even remotely annoyed with the scientist, 

"You are funny! I'll give you that! But you should definitely trust me because one, I am not a stranger. I am your friend's girlfriend. And two, screenwriting is a very reputed profession, I write plot and scenes for the movies, and thus the idea." 

"My point still stands though. Your defence did practically nothing to add to your case. Right, attorneys?" Tae asked, looking expectantly at both Hoseok and Yoongi. 

"Attorney Jung, kindly provide your consult to me as well, charge me later. How much would I get charged with if I hit my brother in his head, non-fatally, but still painfully?" Sassy Seokjin asked his fiancé.

The lawyer sighed deeply and answered anyway,

"Just as much as you got when you punched your co-star in the jaw, because he called you a senior citizen,  jokingly. Him being your brother won't make any difference."

Hoseok then slumped into his seat beside Yoongi, tired. Sensing this Yoongi nudged him and said with a shit eating grin,

"You aren't getting paid ever, are you?"

Hoseok could only shake his head in disbelief. 

"Can we all focus now? I told you, this is THE plan. Don't come crying to me later if y'all don't find another fool-proof plan like this." Jazz reminded them.

"Jazz I feel, your plan makes a lot of sense and Jin hyung thinks so too. So we have three genius Js on our team.

Let's just go ahead with what you were explaining." Jimin suggested.

"Well thank you Chim! Only brilliants like you and Jin appreciate the beauty of this plan. Let's continue. So I was saying, you two need to be in a relationship to get this plan going. Not a real one, just a

pretentious one. The one which will save both of yours rights."

Joon who was against this whole plan, interjected,

"And you just declare that A prince and a well known scientist who are not even remotely connected, are dating each other and that too so seriously that they planned a baby together. And you think people would just buy that? You are kidding, right?"

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