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I was lying unconscious on an aluminum table, like one of those table in a morgue. Someone was examining me, they wanted to be sure that they brought the right girl to their dimension. I could feel their touch and their presence, but I couldn't understand what they were saying.

      They were taking a long to examine, which was making my kidnapper nervous. He paced back and forth, waiting anxious for the confirmation that he brought the right girl to the right world.

      "It's her." The master elemental said as he pressed my forehead with his hands. "You're the one who brought her, then you're responsible for her." He looked at my kidnapper already predicting what questions he would have in mind. "It's impossible to take the powers without the elementary permission, you know that."

      He wasn't very pleased with the information he already know, he hoped there was another way to get the powers, and he would discover.


      I woke up hours later in a room, a stranger room for me. I looked around, with the dim light coming in through the door I could see a closet on my right side, a desk on my left and a chair beside the bed. It was a very simple room, with nothing special or strange.

      "I thought you'd never wake up." I got scared with the voice coming from the door and I got up quickly. He kept distance and I leaned against the wall beside the bed.

      "Where I am?" I said after some effort to get my voice out.

      "In our house." It took me a while to realize he meant that was my house too. But it wasn't, it would never be. My things weren't there, my family weren't there, my life was in another place. That wasn't my house.
      I spent some time analyzing him. He was very tall, I pounded a little below his shoulder, his hair was golden blond and his skin was very clear, he was a very attractive guy. I could tell if he didn't kidnap me.

      "Do you like what you see?" He asked in a convinced tone of voice, finding himself the greatest wonder in the world.

      "Are you going to kill me?" I needed to know if I should try to protect myself if he would try to take my life away, but instead of running to me and try to put a knife on my chest, he started to laugh.

      "I'll not kill you, I have others plans for you." Of course, it would calm me down. If he weren't going to kill me, what else could he do? Would he use me as an sex slave? A maid? I looked behind him while I took a deep breath. "Do you want something?"

      I looked at him and back to the door.

     "Yes, I want to go home." I spoke without hesitation.

     He denied it immediately and said it was out of question. I asked to see Ben, request denied again. The only thing I wanted was to get out of that house, to get rid of this stranger, but that seemed impossible. I wouldn't get rid of it so easily. Not knowing what to do, I asked what I could have.

      "Let me see." He pretended to be thinking. "You can have me and any other material goods." His response made me roll my eyes. He acted like he owned me. "You'll have to learn to live with me if you want to know about your powers."

      I looked at him curiously.

      "Powers?" How could I have powers? My parents would know about it.

      He gave me the news that I am the Chosen one, according to him, I can manipulate the four elements. Earth, fire, water and air. The Chosen are responsible for keeping the elementary world in balance, and this hasn't happened since the death of the last Chosen one, which made them live surrounded by darkness. I was informed that none of them survived to tell their story, and yet I heard that it wouldn't be different to me. An amazing information to know about your life.
He needed me for something that I had no idea. But it's something that's going to kill me.


     While I was sitting on the bed learning about who I am, Ben was going to the address he found in the book. The house was pretty ugly, it looked like it was abandoned, no one should live there, and that left Ben hopeless.

      He walked to the door hoping to be Lucky that someone would come to meet him. He was about to give up when a very beautiful woman with a long dark hair opened the door. Ben got surprised, he was waiting to see an old woman full of wrinkles, not that pretty woman.

      "Are you Cassandra?" He asked without believing in what he was seeing.

      "Yes." She didn't seem to be patient to receive a visit.

      "I'm Benjamin Willow and I need your help." He handed the paper with the information to her.

      Cassandra complained softly and opened the door for him to enter. The house inside was totally different, it was beautiful, well-groomed and in perfect condition. Ben couldn't understand how she could let the house so horrible outside.

      "Lex Graylow has the Chosen one." He turned to her who was locking the door.

      "How much do you know about the other world?" Cassandra was very suspicious. Ben shrugged and said he didn't know much. She stepped past him without taking her eyes off him. "In a direct confrontation with Lex you'll have no chance." She referred to the lack of muscle in Ben's arms.

      Not that he was weak, he could lift me easily, and I'm not that heavy, but judging his strength just by looking wasn't fair.

      "I don't need training. I have more chances against Lex than you might think." Cassandra laughed discretely and sat on one of the sofas that were in that living room. "Ella will fight by my side."

      She leaned over to the coffee table and picked up a cup of tea with a weirdly colored liquid inside.

      "Tell me one thing." Cassandra sat up straight and took a sip of whatever was in her cup. "If you don't know much, how do you know about the Willow's influence? How do you know about the Chosen one?" She smiled. "I think your family book doesn't contain this information."

      Ben sat down impatiently waiting for her to stop that and help him.

      "I love Ella, and my family's books don't contain that information, but my mother's letters do. You should know that, wasn't you who helped her write?" Ben said wiping that smile of pleasure off her face.

      "You feel something for her, but it's not love." She returned the cup to the table and was hopeful to make him change his mind about going to the other world anyway.

      "Since when do you know what love is?"  He judged her life because she was there alone.

      "Since before you were born, petulant little boy." She got up from the couch and moved towards to face him. "Remember that without my help you won't find your girlfriend." She spoke rudely.

      "Get me to this place right away." He didn't look away from her.

      "I can take you, but know that I don't serve anyone. So, be polite and ask kindly." The smile returned to her face.

      They stared at each other until he politely asked.

      "Take me soon, please." He spoke unwillingly.

      "I think we'll get along very well, Mr. Willow." She smiled pleased.

      After that sweet-talking, she began to explain to him how the portal worked and what would happen when they went through. Ben tried to pay attention to everything, but he could only think of crossing the portal to find me.

The chosen one - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now