Chapter:6 part 1. All the darkness

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In the heart of a dark and sinister forest, hidden from the eyes of civilization, lay a nightmare scenario awaiting its next victim. That nameless man ventured through the twisted trees and tangled undergrowth, feeling as if the trees themselves seemed to move, watching him with their long, mysterious shadows.

The moonlight was practically drowned out by dense clouds that hid it, leaving only sporadic flashes of a sickly glow. The distant howls of nocturnal animals seemed to merge with the cold wind, creating a gloomy symphony that raised the hairs on his skin and sent shivers down his spine.

The ground, into which his feet sank, was permeated with a sinister crimson hue, as if the earth itself was bleeding. Each footprint left behind a macabre trail and the air grew thicker as it advanced, as if the forest itself were breathing with a pestilent breath.

Suddenly, a slip threw him to the bloody ground. The metallic stench of blood filled his nostrils, causing nausea that nearly made him lose his sanity. As he tried to sit up, he felt something watching him. Looking up, he saw long, twisted shadows moving among the trees, indefinable beings with eyes that glowed with nameless malice.

Children's laughter began to resonate in the air, distorted and broken, as if they were the echo of children's games turned into a nightmare. A macabre chorus that merged with the whispers of the wind, creating a cacophony of fear. The man struggled to remain calm, but desperation enveloped him in his icy mantle.

The hands, emerging from the earth, were made of the same blood that soaked the forest. Bony, cold fingers closed around his legs and arms, dragging him down into the depths of the nightmare. It was as if the forest itself rose up against him, thirsting for revenge for the actions of those who dared to desecrate it.

In the last breath of his torment, a childish voice, distorted and gloomy, emerged from the blackness: "Why didn't you save us?" The voice echoed in her mind, full of accusation and bitterness. It was the voice of the children who had perished in that place, a voice that would torment him forever in his worst nightmare.

The darkness engulfed him completely, and the feeling of being devoured by shadows was palpable. The laughter and whispers of the damned echoed in his mind until there was nothing left but the fathomless blackness and an endless echo of his own despair. At that moment, the man knew that he had crossed the threshold into an abyss from which he would never return, condemned to wander for eternity in that cursed forest .


Jaune Arc opened his eyes slowly.

Darkness adorned his room except for the flickering light of the white Briefcase-Scabbard that carried his sword and other tools. Jaune looked at the flashing blue light before asking.

"How long?"

The light stayed on before the briefcase opened and began to project a hologram, A girl who has a mainly white outfit, with a tight suit and blue details. Her hair is ash blonde and long, and she wears a blue bow that ties it up. Her skin is light and her eyes are red. Her hairstyle is somewhat messy, with her hair falling freely over her shoulders and back. She hugged a cute teddy bear to her chest.

 She hugged a cute teddy bear to her chest

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