"Again. What would that mean?"

Milo looked a bit taken aback, he didn't want to explain more, he thought that the hero would understand just that. He couldn't tell if Oxzy did understand or wanted it explained further. "Well... That's the thing, we could understand that something bigger is being pushed around in the grubs besides meth and.. Well liquor. We feel like the Imbers are pushing something with Pierce's help so as not to be caught."

The hero let out a sigh, he deeply didn't want to believe it, he couldn't even comprehend it since he didn't know why it would be happening. Something big on "transportation" in the grubs is indeed happening, no one knows what it is unless you're in the Imbers gang.

Oxzy looked through the papers and Milo allowed him to, flipping around until the end page, the hero lifted it to read closer. The last page mentioned Randy's disappearance after being broken out of his cell, the police were trying to find him, though they had no luck in doing so.

"Have you gone to the grubs to look?" Oxzy decided to ask, keeping his gaze down.

"We have. Nothing but crackheads and hobos," Milo replied, shaking his head in disappointment. "The men in the office are still looking, it's getting harder to look after Ronny was sent to the hospital."

"So you are still looking?"

Milo sat up straighter, a strange look on his face. "Of course I am. This is my town to protect," his voice sounded hard, the look in his eyes full of furry. "Just like you..."

The end of his sentence turned soft, sparking a look from Oxzy. The atmosphere turned quiet, the hero kept his eyes low as Milo's brown eyes looked over him. It was awkward, the hero wanted to say something to bring the attention back to the papers, but he had nothing to say.

Lucky for the hero in this case, a barista came over to the table. She put her hand on the wooden table, causing the two to turn their attention to her. Milo quickly pulled the papers away and on the other side of the table, only the woman gave no attention to it. Her eyes were on Oxzy, a small look of aggression in her look.

"Are you gentlemen not gonna get anything?" Her voice sounded sharp, her eyes glaring at the hero, beckoning for him to reply.

Oxzy in his usual fashion, stayed silent. Milo decided to speak up, sitting a bit closer to the table. "Uh no! We just came here to talk.."

The woman turned her eyes to him, softening a bit after realizing he was the sheriff. She cleared her throat, "well... We have a rule here, if you don't order anything within 10 minutes, you will be kicked out..."

Milo gave a confused sigh, thinking of the stupid rule as if it wasn't the same for the stores in Daylight. Also because they have only been there fir 3 minutes. But knew he couldn't argue with her. "Well, then we could-"

"We will leave." Oxzy replied, sitting up after speaking. The barista flinched, keeping her eyes low and aggression strong in his direction.

Milo stood up as well, wanting to stop the hero, but noticed their surroundings as people had eyes on them. The hero was becoming pale, his eyes losing life with all the eyes following him. Not wanting to cause harm to the hero with this aggressive attention, Milo followed after him. He gave small replies to the people and women while shuffling papers into his hands, he hastily followed Oxzy.

The hero was already outside of the Starbucks. Milo dashed from behind him, and coming closer to his side, he looked at the hero. "Hey, don't take that too hard. You have to understand that people are just scared-"

"Understand?" Oxzy stopped, turning sharply away from Milo and the direction of his police cruiser. He gave a small huff, walking away as Milo stopped in his tracks to watch the hero walk off.

' Broken Image ' (boyXboy)Where stories live. Discover now