Chapter Four

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I rewrote this chapter while half asleep because wattpad keeps deleting my unpublished chapters. You can politely point out mistakes.


"I'm sorry," I had croaked to Niall through tears after he'd heard the news. I couldn't even look at him properly.

"For what?" He said so low that it was almost inaudible under Rosemarie's heartbreaking scream. I would have possibly thought he wasn't even crying by the sound of his voice, but when I glanced over my shoulder, it was a different story. I regretted looking because of the wrenching feeling.

His eyes had been red, as were his cheeks, but there were no tears on his cheeks. I had known for a fact that he had wiped them away when a fresh tear fell from his eye and into the hug that he shared with Rosemarie.

"Shhhh," Niall bade his child to be quiet. "It's okay." His voice had cracked at okay. He knew as much as I did that things wouldn't be okay nor would they end as such.

"What are you sorry for," Niall demanded instead of asking me once Rosemarie managed to fall asleep in his rocking arms, several minutes later. He'd composed himself, but the only evidence of his emotion were his droopy red eyes that lazily stared with both fatigue and pain and his chin that would occasionally twitch.

What was I sorry for? I questioned myself considering I didn't really know the answer myself.

I wasn't sorry for meeting him. I wasn't sorry for first becoming his friend when we were kids. I didn't know what to say, so I just let my mind speak.

"I'm sorry that--," I knew the interruption made Niall mad, but he wasn't able to spit his rage at the supermodel looking doctor when she was only trying to help us. I still had thought she was a phony, considering she didn't even have a name tag and she read everything off papers that she was given.

Dr. Model had given us her condolences and gone over the "what now?" with us which consisted of another day or two of rest in the hospital on oxygen, being under medication crushed into broken down food, and some sort of close cardiac monitoring.

For two days, Niall and I really never talked considering both of our sleep patterns were off from normal and weren't in sync. He would stay awake the entire night and sleep the entire day and sometimes it was vice versa for me. Either that, or we would both were asleep and while simultaneously awake, we'd sit in silence while Rosemarie slept. And Rosemarie really almost slept the entire two days, probably only having been awake for 8 hours out of the 48.

Neither of us had even left Rosemarie's side for the entire two days and a half, not even to go home and shower, but luckily Niall had a suitcase of clothes from getting off the plane. I sponged bathed myself over the sink, but I doubt Niall did too.

Before we were let go, we were asked by Dr. Summers if we wanted to stay a bit more to talk to a blood specialist on leukemia and and what procedures would have to be made to save our child, we mutually agreed that he weren't ready though she stressed the fact that we were to do so as soon as possible.

We never did see that supermodel doctor again after that one night and I thought strongly of it.


"Niall," I mumble to him when we were back in the comfort of his mother's house that was home. We had a house that we could go to ourselves, but I wasn't really ready to settle down in it.

What's the point if Niall could hardly enjoy it with Rosemarie and I?

It was only next door, but it still would get lonely without the company of a third person, which is why I thought it was beautiful when Maura wanted me to move in with her before I ended up getting a dog. But even after two years, I've neglected my childhood home.

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