She walks away back to the group like she didn't say any of that to me. I could just feel the tension, I shouldn't have brought her this soon.

Astronaut: "So these suits take a good minute to put on, if you just follow what we tell you it should take too long…alright which lucky lady is going to be first."

I look over at Faith and she pushes me softly, telling me to go first. I smile and walk over to the astronauts, and they gesture to Faith to come over. She tells them that she's  okay and can wait but won't take no for an answer, our friends push her toward wearing I was.

Astronauts: "We made sure to get your suits to your height, these suits are the ones we use here for training, my friend there will help you Faith, and I will help you Ariana, after this we were told you are going to ride the rover."

Ariana: "Ya we are, I'm so excited!!"

Astronaut: "Hey make sure not to get it caught on her cast."

Faith: "It won't be an issue will it?"

Astronaut: "No, if it was a cast around your arm or leg then we couldn't put the suit on, you'll be fine."

Ariana's thoughts: "I'm going to look like a fucking Astronaut with my Girlfriend!!! We're going to be matching and everything like when we wore out dresses!!"

I was so excited constantly looking over at Faith. What felt like a long process was finally over and they gave us space helmets.

Ariana: "Look at me I'm an Astronaut, one small step for Ari and one Grande leap for…" I didn't get to finish my joke.

It happened that Tommy started to play N.A.S.A, my freaking song.

Ariana: "Oh my god are you fucking serious." I laugh. "I was waiting for that to happen, I knew someone was going to play it."

Tommy: "Hey it was the perfect time to play it."

Everyone laughs and we start to enjoy ourselves. I look over at Faith who is cleaning her glasses. Oh my god she looks so fucking beautiful, and cute with her glasses on and in that Astronaut suit.

(Faith pov)

Faith: "What are you starting at!?"

Ariana: "At, my beautiful girlfriend." She giggles.

Faith: "That statement you said belongs to you." She nervously says.

Ariana: "You enjoying yourself!?"

Faith: "Ya, ya I am, don't worry I'm fine." I smile weakly.

Ariana: "If anything bothers you, tell me okay." I nod. "Alright well get your ass over here I want to take some selfies with you!!" She got excited.

We take selfies and even more selfies, her stealing my phone, going up to Courtney to take a pic of us together. We were the center of attention. Not that I wasn't having fun, I did my best to try to enjoy it, how could I not when Ariana was having the time of her life.

Tommy: "Do you think this will fit me?"

I watch from a distance of Tommy trying to put on Ariana's helmet they gave her.

Ariana: "I think it's a little too small." He almost got it stuck on himself. "For being a dumbass I told you it wasn't going to fit. "She laughs.

Tommy: "It was worth trying it on, either that or I have a fat ass head."

Ariana: "Here hold it but don't put it on." She walks back with a helmet for him.

Faith's thoughts: "I feel so out of place here." I sigh.

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