Chapter 60

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(Ariana pov)

Boca Florida📍

Maricel: "You must be really tired flying back & forth just to see my daughter."

Ariana: "Ya but I don't mind I'm just making up for lost time." I nervously chuckle.

Maricel: "It's very sweet of you to do so…she's gotten more distant from all of us, Faith wasn't always like that before."

Ariana's thoughts: "I know she's not, she's changed a lot, not the same girl from highschool."

Maricel: "She's mature quickly by herself after she left home, but I'm glad she has you back in her life that's all she ever wanted so thank you Ariana for being there for her."

Ariana: "It's no big deal really, she was actually there for me more Faith really helped me get through a lot this past year."

Abuelita: "¿Estás hablando de que ella necesita un novio? Ella conseguirá uno cuando esté lista... si no quiere uno ahora, no la obligues."

Maricel: " Mamá vas a tu tratamiento pronto puedes tener eso después…I'm sorry about that Ariana." She goes over to her mom.

All I understood was boyfriend which got me a little nervous since I was technically that. What faith told me that her mom is a very traditional type of woman, I would rather give her that news gently.

Faith: "Hey I made sure everything you had was packed for the morning."

Ariana: "Thank you."  I smile at her.

I was glad she was able to start walking without those crutches. Soon she would be able to start walking again & that made me very happy.

Maricel: "Faith? Quieren venir? o te vas a quedar? Vamos a la cita de tu abuelita."

Faith: "You want to come to my Abuelita's appointment? You pretty much be doing nothing if you stay?"

Ariana: "Ya let me just grab some things & head out."


Nurse: "Hi I can help you down here, are you here to check in or do you have an appointment with us today?"

Faith: "No my Abuelita does, she has it scheduled at 2pm today."

I stay back & wait patiently, hospitals just have this uncomfortable feeling to them I never like. The only times I've been to them were for visiting, only a couple of times it was for me.

After the whole check up we wait & get called in. I stayed outside the room, didn't feel like my place & Faith stayed outside with me.

Ariana: "So umm when do you think you'll be off that brace?"

Faith: "This thing I'm not sure, maybe next week if I get the okay from the doctor here why are you asking?"

Ariana: "Remember that thing I told you about yesterday that like what if it happened & you'd be down to go."

Faith: "That thing!? Wait, did they call you!?" I nod in smiling at her excited.

Ariana: "Ya they did & offered me an in depth tour & Everything at Nasa, even letting me invite like 10 people too, that's why I'm asking because they're also going to let me wear a suit too." I smile.

Faith: "That's amazing but I can't just leave my Abuelita, she's barely going to start this week & I want to know how it goes &..."

Ariana: "I know but it's not until this Saturday & I'm not going to force you to go really family first."

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