Twin Cinema Poetry (A Testing)

30 2 2

So I think I should clarify a few things first.
1) Twin Cinema Poetry only has two columns, but, being the idiot I am, I wrote it with three columns
2) This story can be read in 4 ways : The Left column, The Centre column, The Right column and all three together from left to right. (I hope this isn't confusing)
3) This is about the sibling's experiences with WWII
Italic Text: Singapura
Normal Text: Singapore
Bold Text: Temasek


 A mere labourer, in seek of justice

A sole survivor, forced to face his fate

yet he cares not the consequences

Within, resolution shatters

and as it all flashes before his eyes,

There is no fear, no regret, but

Is it wrong that she is afraid?

Watching loved ones dying before him,

To die a martyr, sacrificing for his country

As her hands tremble

He hears the final regards to him

as he says and hopes that:

she remembers that it was fated she leave

And he hears him say his last farewell:

May he follow his footsteps


I tried

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