"They traveled to the future and saw something that they should not have..." The girl trailed off, her brown eyes watching Iris as she gazed at Ethel, and Antonia kissed her child's temple, holding them close to her heart.

"How do you know this? Who even are you? How did you get in here? And why the fuck should we trust you?!" Sybil's voice rose, she was getting irritated with the strange girl, and Kahlan was not the only one who flinched at her harsh tone.

"Neither do I carry all the answers you seek nor can I provide you with the ones I have. However, regarding you doubting me... I ask you to simply see beyond your vision." The girl sounded a bit sad when she spoke again, not even looking at Sybil, and Antonia gasped loudly while Iris's heart raced when they both did what the girl asked.

"There is a spell around Ethel. It's... It's Ethel's magic. They put a spell on themself." Kahlan mumbled softly, shocked as she could see it too, and June's huge wolf growled at the girl who was messing with them, causing her to shriek like a child before jumping behind Iris who was the closest to her.

"I-I am trying to help you!" The girl yelled from behind Iris, holding her arm while Aria pulled June away when she noticed how scared she looked, and Antonia breathed deeply before shaking her head.

"Why would Ethel do that? Why would they... Why would they leave us like that?" It was Tulip who asked that, her voice smaller than ever, and the girl actually looked devastated when she peeked at her, her brown eyes getting teary.

"I-I'm sorry but I-I... I wish I could give you all the answers, I do, but I mustn't. Because every word I say, everything I do, will have dangerous consequences and I can not--" The girl cut herself off suddenly, closing her eyes as she kept facing Tulip who looked as confused as everyone, but then she looked at Iris and something in her gaze was distinguishable.

"I know how to save them. I can help you. But I need something in return--" The girl hadn't even finished her words when Lillian's wolf growled loudly, Lois jumping at her just in time to halt her attack, and Tulip pulled the terrified girl behind her while Vera tried to calm her mate.

"Why is everyone trying to attack me?! I am only trying to help!" Shockingly enough, the girl was openly sobbing now and Tulip was utterly flabbergasted as she tried to calm her by patting her shoulder.

"Forgive them, my dear. It looks like everyone has forgotten their manners today." Ray had approached the weeping girl then, hugging her in her motherly arms before glaring at others, and Lillian's huge wolf whimpered when she scowled at her.

"Now now, dear. Calm down... Sybil, fetch a glass of water for her. Hurry!" When Sybil tried to object, Ray yelled at her daughter who quickly scrambled away, and Azure used her magic to produce a glass of water before giving it to their mother.

"Here, drink this. I assure you no one will try to harm you now. You have my word, dear." As sweet as ever, Ray had managed to calm the girl whose hands shook as she drank the water and Sin rolled her eyes when Sybil came back only to scowl at the scene.

"What do you need?" Antonia had asked once she calmed down, her voice was stern and loud, and the girl breathed shakily before smiling at Ray who gave her an encouraging nod before taking her step forward.

"In return for my help in saving them, I want you all to give me your word that no matter what happens, from this moment forward, no one will ever travel to the future." The girl told them then, gaining different looks from everyone, and Lois shook her head at Lillian when she was about to speak.

"Why? What is it that made my Ethel take such a drastic step and-- What are you trying to hide?" Antonia looked livid by then, her body was glowing with dangerous magic as she hissed those words, and Iris stood before the girl even before Ray could, protecting her.

Supernatural Tales - Book IIWhere stories live. Discover now