Loving You Always: A Tying You to Me Extra

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Harry returned to her side, chopping and tossing a few more veggies into the pan before pulling dishes from the cabinet. He made no mention of his earlier remark while they ate and it didn't come up as they cleaned up the kitchen or watched a film after dinner. In fact, Quinn had nearly forgotten about it by the time they were getting ready for bed, until she saw Harry fidgeting with his phone.

She almost brought it up again, wanting to investigate further, but thought better of the impulse. Harry didn't take kindly to prying and, after more than six years, she knew the best way to get him to open up was to let him come to her. When he climbed out of bed to fill his glass of water she snuck one glance at his phone and saw that the countdown had disappeared.

"Lights out?" Harry asked, standing by the switch.

"Mmhmm," Quinn said, flicking on her bedside lamp. She opened up her book and watched Harry over top of the pages. He was nonchalant, shuffling across the room, climbing under the covers, and giving her a kiss before turning onto his side and quickly falling asleep.

Quinn turned a few pages not retaining any of the words. Maybe Harry's slip of the tongue earlier meant nothing, but as she turned off her light and curled up next to Harry, thoughts of rings, dresses, and weddings danced through her head.


"Jeff, have you seen my parents?" Quinn asked. She'd been doing laps backstage for the last hour and hadn't managed to locate them. Seeing as this was only their second time at Wembley, she was slightly concerned.

"Can't say I have," Jeff said. "Tommy, have you seen them?" Tommy shook his head and went back to his ongoing conversation. "Sorry, Quinn, Maybe they went out to their seats?"

"Maybe..." Quinn said, unconvinced. "Thanks."

She headed towards the exit of the room that served as the main hub backstage, preparing to do another lap when she saw her mom, dad, and brother, Alex, being led towards her, escorted by Harry.

"Oh my God, where were you guys? I've been looking all over for you!" Quinn exclaimed, trying not to sound as concerned as she felt. "Did you get lost?"

"I'll have you know we knew exactly where we were going," her mother chided. "Harry was giving us a backstage tour, dear. No need to worry."

"I could have done that, Mom. Harry's busy. He's supposed to be onstage in..." She glanced at her watch. "Like 45 minutes."

"It was no problem," Harry said cheerfully. "Nice way for me to calm the nerves before the show."

"If you say so..." Quinn glanced at her father, hoping to get him on her side, but instead saw a weird mix of emotions across his face. "Dad, are you alright?"

He cleared his throat. "Yeah, just a bit overwhelmed. You see the stadium on TV and it doesn't look that big but in person..." He took a deep, shuddering breath.

Quinn shot Harry a look, silently seeking an answer from him, only getting a shrug in return.

"As Quinn so kindly reminded me, I should probably head off and start getting ready," Harry said apologetically. "But make yourself at home and I'll see you all later." He planted a pert kiss on Quinn's temple and made his way to his dressing room.

Quinn's father sniffed and blinked rapidly as her mother cheerfully patted his back. Quinn looked over at Alex who, just like Harry, shrugged.

"Well," Quinn said. "I guess we can go to the green room and maybe grab some food? I think Anne and some of Harry's family are already there."

Quinn's parents set off in the direction she pointed and instead of following them, she hung a few steps back, pulling her brother alongside her.

"What the hell is wrong with Dad?" she whispered.

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