Chap 6 The swordsmith village and the encountering another uppermoon.

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Kiko: Just how far did they go? Wait, do you think liliana went to the swordsmith village?

Y/n: Very likely, but she was stupid enough to go at night. She even had feya go with her at night. I wonder if this is a setup or something...

Kiko: What's wrong?

Y/n: I smell blood. Lots of blood-

Y/n stop suddenly, eyes started to dilate a little, then returned back to normal as she smelled the familiar pot demon. She then looked towards his direction afar and shook her head as she grabbed kiko and started speeding up the pace as she felt gyokko stare back in her direction but at kiko instead. Gyokko smiled, watching them disappear as he thought of their reaction running into UM 4 on the way.

Kiko: Y/n, what did you see?

Y/n: And unpleasant sight, I think you would have puked.

You both arrived at the village, seeing most of the place destroyed seeing some giant fish demons along with the swordsmith captured or dead. Kiko felt freaked out but tried to remain focused on the situation, aiding people who were stuck under rubbish or those who were bleeding out. You did the same as you got rid of the fish demons when people weren't looking or they were unconscious.

Some of the swordsmith were grateful being saved by you both, but their were some who were disappointed to be in the arms of kiko instead of y/n

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Some of the swordsmith were grateful being saved by you both, but their were some who were disappointed to be in the arms of kiko instead of y/n. A funny sight that made you laugh yet feel slightly flustered at the same time.

Feya: Y/n! Kiko!

Both: Feya!

Y/n: You have minor injuries, thank goodness!

Liliana: Um, I'm here too!

Y/n: Mhm, you're alive, so good for you.

Kiko: Liliana, come and help these people-

Liliana: Huh? T-this place got attacked because they were t-too weak! I can't risk getting hurt or killed their demons everywhere.

Y/n: No shit there are demons everywhere. It's night! Quite complaining and helping these people out their's not one scratch on you yet feya has some from probably defending you.

Liliana:... There were already demons here when we got here, but we were also being chased by some as well, so we ran further in the village. Yes, she did defend me-

Feya: You also pushed me but then yelled at me. I know you're scared but still have some time of remorse. What if I pushed you instead or what if we led the demons back to our village, how would you feel?

Liliana was just quiet and started to attend to others as told. You got up slowly, and you turned your head towards a different direction as you caught many different scents near yuno, which made you very anxious.

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