Chap 4 Ni-San I want a new pet please!

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As they continued entering the restaurant Mr.Oba seem to be preparing to open up so y/n just let yuno hop off her back and proceed to run behind the restaurant front as y/n join Oba helping him set up.

Oba: You know you don't have to always help me. You're too kind. I got this.

Y/n: And you know as much as you tell me not to, I'll always help.

Oba just smiled and shaked his head, finishing dusting the chairs and windows as y/n went to the kitchen to greet Ms. Sena.

Y/n: Good morning Ms.Sena your lovable y/n is ready to help.

Sena: Good Morning y/n and your assistance is always appreciated.

Y/n: Just doing what I do best.

Yuno: ni-san I'll see you later be good sis!

Y/n: Hey, that's what I should be saying to you!

The old couple chuckled at the two. But then stopped as they seemed to look worried.

Sena: Y/n about the restaurant... I don't think we'll be able to hold onto this place any longer. Liliana and her family... they just keep adding more charges. We can't keep this us. Ever since Oba declined her family services at the restaurant, they brought a few of our friends' restaurant immediately putting them out of business since they can't sell or own anything they've been forced to move.

Y/n: How much money do you need?

Sena: No y/n please you've done enough beside its not just money they want our home property as well. They even made us cut t-ties with our doctors they lost their jobs. Liliana managed to spread rumors about how the doctor poisoned or killed their patients, and we knew they'd never, but half of the public believed her since she's at a high status level.

Y/n just smiled as her eyes started to dilate, and her arm tattoos started to glow, but she closed her eyes to relax. That woman, her family, they already have enough money and property. Why do they feel the need to expand.

Y/n: Rich people are so selfish

Oba: Not all of them are y/n their are a few good ones their just barely noticed.

Oba came from the back of the restaurant front as he smiled and looked at y/n and Sena.

Y/n: Yeah, you're right. My apologies. It's just that the reach people here are selfish within our village. I'd say I have a decent amount of money but not like their family they really just buy anything or anyone.

Oba: I'm grateful for the fact that you can buy our store and home, but yeah, our doctor and other friends' properties would be at stake as well. If you buy our property back, they'll go out of business if you buy theirs ours go out of business. Either way, money and supplies are not the only things we would lose. We'd lose the ability to trade and not to mention... they might even try to lock us up or worse just for their sake. They want no witnesses, and if their are, they would be public shamed like our doctors.

Y/n: Why didn't you guys tell me before.

Oba: Because y/n we don't want you risking your home or yuno. You don't need to be caught up in this situation like this. It's already bad enough that liliana knows you work with us, and yuno comes down here as well. Not only that, she would bring certain guesses to the restaurant only to leave nasty comments or try to cause unnecessary behavior.

Y/n: I see. I've only seen her come here from time to time, and every time we see each other, she just doesn't know how to shup up. I can literally be cleaning or going out for a walk, and her existence just ruins my day every damn time.

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