Chap 3 Old man again? A game with Yuno

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Once again, the old man she helped earlier was now shielding himself from a from 2 demon slayers, screeching every time someone came nearby. But what y/n found shockingly was how the old man managed to dodge an attack, yet he was still scared. Why is that? He would basically teleport near the trees or a farther distance from the slayers still covering himself.

You made eye contact with the two demon slayers, and they immediately got worried for your safety.

Dms 1: Miss, be careful. I believe this man is a demon. We saw him scratch a comrade of pure earlier, leaving them to almost bleed out.

Y/n: Is that so I can't even imagine him even hurting anyone he's just so... scared  must have been out of self-defense or hunger.

Y/n replied casually and stared at the old man but kept her distance and looked back at the slayer.

Dms 2: Either way, Miss, he's a demon. Don't worry, we'll protect you!

The demon slayer was about to run to your side when the old man suddenly appeared behind you, shielding himself.
None of you knew how to really react, but you played it off calmly and tried to walk away from the old man, but he shrieked and grabbed one of your arms while pointing at them.

???: They attacked m-me I was j-just trying to make my way b-back h-home. Don't y-you believe me?

Dms 1: Doesn't matter if she believes you demons are never up to no good. You're just gonna hurt her.

???: N-no I wasn't Eeeeeeek Miss their wrong, their wrong.

Y/n: What a strange demon maybe because you're an old man, but I still can't fully trust you, sir, but I do believe you on the part where you said your going home at least. But still their's just something that feels so off... ( She said softly)

Just then, the demon slayer jumped towards you both, aiming for the old man, which you pretend to be scared. In front of the slayers, your eyes widen, and you appear to be frozen, but the old man could fully see through her scheme.  Once again out of panic, the old man moved behind a tree, but he still felt concern for the girl, but when he made eye contact with her, y/n just had a confused face. Y/n started to wonder how a demon could move at such a fast pace. She could sense his strength only at quick times like this, but then it's like if his strength disappears in seconds, how odd.

The slayers stood around y/n, keeping her in between them while aiming their swords at the old man. They checked to see if y/n was injured, but thankfully, she was not and, with that they took off chasing the old man as he shrieked and quickly disappeared again but y/n could still catch his scent nearby.

Y/n:... Now that I think about it, gyokko mentioned an old man... obviously, the demons are comrades, but gyokko doesn't really take interest in other demons unless it's someone of a high authority. Could he be a... no,no, hopefully not dealing with gyokko enough, but that could explain the weird aura coming from him, tho.

Y/n new the old man came back near y/n he was at least 1 tree away from her hiding. So the demon slayers must have continued their search elsewhere and lost the man.

Y/n: Didn't expect to run into you again, nor did I think you would use me as a shield for yourself. You're full of surprises, old man. I tell you what why don't I help you home? Will this make you feel better, and at least everyone gets to live. No fighting necessarily for both us and the slayers.

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