chap 1 Meeting the frightened old man

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Fresh air... that's what y/n and yuno needed as she carried her little brother on her back as they both stared up at the night sky lighting up the forest. The moon reflection on the ponds nearby as they hear the sounds of frogs crocking and the crickets chirping.

You both felt at ease as the cool breeze  embraced yall face almost making you both sleepy in the process but you knew what lurks in the forest at night making you snap from your gaze and wonder further into the woods.

Yuno: Oni-san, can I sleep on your back?

Y/n: You don't have to ask why would I deny that?

Yuno: I just wanted to be sure it's always good to ask, right? Oni-San?

Y/n: Well, yes, it is polite, but you're my little brother, and you're my responsibility. I'm taking care of you so yuno... lean on me and sleep. You don't need to ask, just sleep.

Yuno: I love you, Oni-San, and I hope one day Oni-San can also lean on someone just like I do. That would mean we would have a bigger family to have fun with. 

Yuno said happily, having the thought of y/n being able to be relaxed and having someone able to love and care for his sister like he does.

Y/n: Bigger family, huh... that would be a lot to deal with, but I get what you're saying. You would want more people to have fun with endlessly. Someone who wouldn't leave every day to return home but more so for them to return to us instead. But right now, Oni-San wants to focus on us, okay? We at least have friends and our neighbors to socialize with.

Yuno: Yeah!

Y/n smiled and nuzzled her cheek onto yuno, then kissed his forehead, humming a lullaby for him to fall asleep and to which he did.

Y/n: Maybe I should get yuno a pet or better yet I wonder if I could create with my powers... but I don't know how would that really work. Would the companion be a glassed crystal animal or a flying object... I need to think this through some more or at least practice.

???: Eeek, how did this happen? I'm innocent. Why would they frame me for stealing the Spider Lily book... I-I don't know how I even got here. Oh, why is everyone after m-me.

Y/n stared to walk quieter as she heard an old man squeal talking to himself at a house stairway but decided not to pay him any mind by just continuing walking forward.

Officer: Hey, you their old man, where is the book you stole? Return it now or else!

???: Eeek, I've been followed! No, you got it wrong. I didn't do anything eek stop framing me.

Officer: Well then, if you don't return the book, then you leave me no choice!

The officer pulled out a baton running towards the old man as the old man shrieked even louder at the site of the officer aiming to strike him, but suddenly the officer was left unarmed.

Officer: Huh, what did you do?

???: I didn't do a-anything I've been t-telling you before!

Y/n: Sir, what gives you the right to attack this man out of the blue? There's no need to attack him immediately. Even if he is lying, you shouldn't just result in using violence right away. (Unless necessary)

Y/n said calmly and annoyed her night been ruined although she could sense some weird aura coming from the old man but nothing that made her fear for her or yuno life she just quietly observed the old man out of curiosity until he looked up at her in fear but also relief.

Y/n: My apologies for staring, sir. I was curious. You seem different, but if you did steal the book, then just kindly return it so you can return home without problem.

???: But I didn't take it you believe me don't y-you?

Officer: Ma'am you should stay away from this theif and liar he knows no good and brings misfortune wherever he goes. I can guarantee you he stole the book. I may not have the evidence, but just trust me, he did.

Y/n: Old man, did you ?

???: I-I did, but I don't know where the b-book went. But even so, he's trying to h-hurt me, Eeek.

Y/n: That's all you had to say, old man. Everything else could of been avoided, right?

Y/n said gently but firmly look at them both.

Y/n: Officer, what if I just pay for another book of this spider lily plant you mentioned? Will that suffice?

Officer: I appreciate your generosity ma'am but this man needs to come clean for his actions


Y/n: Officer, please, how much is the book, and I'll even deal with this old man myself afterward.

???: Eeek n-no, please!

Officer:... it's about 1000 yen, but since you're so kind ma'am ill just say 500.

Y/n: Thank you officer have a good night and be careful on the way back. Do you want me to walk you back?

Y/n gave him the 500 yen and watched as the officer gave a slight smile and waved his hand, signaling he'll be fine.

Officer: Don't worry ma'am, I'll be fine. I don't see any demons anywhere and where I'm going their's a fine line of wisteria trees spread around the area. I believe I can make it back just fine.

The officer glared at the old man one last time, then looked at the girl and started to make his way back. Y/n was watching from afar to make sure he was somewhat safe.

Y/n: And where do you think you're going, hmm?

Y/n Said in a firmly but calm tone without looking at him.

???:Eeek I-I nowhere please don't hurt m-me

The old man covered his face with both his arms as he squat down, shielding himself.

Y/n: I may not know why you stole the book nor do I have the right to press you to tell me but, I could understand if you needed to steal it for your life or someone else satisfaction just know their are some consequences for your actions... especially if you get caught. Have a goodnight sir try not to stir anymore trouble if you're gonna end up in a situation like this.

Y/n walked up slowly, taking his hands away from shielding himself gently. The old man was slightly shaking while looking up at the girl making eye contact, but he slowly calmed his breathing, but he's still shaking and then nodded his head.

Y/n started walking to her village as the old man stared at her as her figured disappeared.

(Y/n) The officer said he didn't see any demons, yet he was oblivious to the fact that he was about to hit one. Not only that, but the old man seemed somewhat strong, yet he never attacked us... welp I won't question it he didn't do anything to us or to the officer but shield himself away. Oh well I'm kinda hungry let me hurry up and take yuno home I don't feel completely comfortable with that old man well not specifically him but it's as theirs something else within him I can't quite grasp. Best if I don't snoop around, though, I'm not interested in what I could find.

Oh, but y/n had no idea through the old man's eyes were some other demons witnessing the interaction between there master and the girl.

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