another statement (🚫Not a chapter🚫)

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Hey y'all, I want to reiterate this isn't an update to the story.

My deepest apologies that I disappeared off the face of the earth in the middle of the story for eight. entire. months.

It's been a busy time for me and to be honest I just sort of...forgot that I was writing. I've all but moved on from the Shadow and Bone fandom, but it still holds a special place in my heart.

And I want to clarify that I absolutely intend to finish this fic, (even if Shadow and Bone is on season 10 by then) and I hope if any of you are still reading, you'll stick around to the end.

I am still writing, though! I just read the Folk Of The Air and now I'm working on a Jude Duarte x Cardan Greenbriar Halloween mini fic at the moment (not posted yet) but hopefully after that I'll have another chapter ready for this story.

I might not update frequently anymore but I see your comments and they're so inspiring and encouraging, and I enjoy every single one (they truly make my day when I read them)! I'm glad y'all have enjoyed so far and hopefully you'll enjoy my next eventual chapter.

It's been 2 full years tomorrow since I started writing this fic, and it's only half(-ish?) finished, which is unbelievable.

So, long story short: I haven't abandoned this fic altogether and I will finish it out of spite even if it's the last thing I do, I can't say when for sure that will be, but rest assured I've not forgotten! Also, thoughts on Shadow and Bone season 2? Because I have some potentially unpopular opinions I would love to discuss. Feel free to leave a comment and I'll respond!

See y'all soon,
-Kit 🖤

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