Chapter 8: That treacherous dirt fucker is going to pay

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Five minutes till school was over.

My foot wouldn't stop taping the floor with anxiety. My body was ready to bolt through the door like flash. I couldn't stand the time. I kept my eyes on the clock. I needed to get to the

Four minutes.

Oh fuck.

I looked away from the clock to see the class posters and the white board.

My eyes wondered around until it landed on the boy in front of me. Vincent.

How can I forgot the embarrassment that occurred recently. I haven't paid much mind. Leaving the school building without notice made me have community service tomorrow morning at seven.

I hate them officially. All their fault for making me feel like shit.

His eyes were trying to avoid me the whole day. I knew that much.

Not to mention Wesley...

I shake my head violently I didn't like thinking of him anymore.

"Stop moving your head, dog" Mackenzie whispered next to me. I hated her. Period. Not even worth thinking about right now.

I sighed and looked at the clock. There was a minute until the bell. I was so ready. I tucked my unorganized papers in the bag.

The bell rang.

I threw my jansport behind my back and ran out the door as if I was justice league member.

I felt eyes on me as the sun hit my face when I got out of the building. I got to the bus stop. I saw a big figure run in behind me. I tried to pay no mind to that and find a seat.

A pair of hands wrap around my eyes. I couldn't see.

I whipped myself around full speed, grabbed that person's wrist and twisted it ninety degrees. I threw him over my shoulder and onto the moving bus floor.

"Ah" He groaned with laughter behind me.

"Your the one to complain, you were fucking God-" Damn heavy.

I couldn't finish my sentence. I was speechless. The only thing I could muster was...

"R-Riley" I couldn't breathe. I rubbed my eyes. I stared at him.

He got up from the floor with a smile on his face. "Oh my God. Jeez. Did you get stronger" He asked in horror, he tried to rub his back.

"When did you get here? I thought you went home with your dad after talking to the principal" I was so confused. Then I noticed that there were people around and staring. Again.

I got a seat at the back and Riley followed with a limp. He sat at the seat farthest away from me. Just how I liked it. Spacious.

"Rosie Sweets, attracting attention as always" He announced.

"Shut up, you bring it up yourself" I scowled while eyeing the passengers.

"Oh come on, who throws someone four feet in the air" He said while one eyebrow was lifted.

"I'm not that short" I challenged him.

He chuckled."Never said you were?"

"Don't make me punch you, meatball" I made an annoyed face.

"Bitch, I ain't fat" He said with pride while lifting his shirt to expose his six pack.

"Never said you were" This time I lifted my eyebrow. He just rolled his eyes.

"So, where are you going?" A quick change of emotion, he looked at me worried. With that look on his face.

I swear he's bipolar.

"Where else" I said while stared out the window to my right. In the reflection of the glass, I saw him nod his head slowly while staring out the window himself.

"Why you here" I asked. I saw a dog piss near a bench and smiled.

"I thought you weren't happy so... I sorta like went what the fuck, why not go check on an old friend" He smiled at thought.

The bus stopped. Riley walked out first. I started walking into the building remembering why I was here. I saw ambulance and cars.

Riley decided to accompany me. I got in front of the desk. There was women with a buzz cut and dark chocolate skin. She smiled at me and Riley when we approached her.

"Can I help you two lovebirds?" What?

"Oh no-were not-I mean-" I stuttered.

"Were not together, ma'am" He interrupted me." But my friend her is looking for her brother, David Sweets" He said. He was behaving...maturely.

What has he been doing for two years?

"Y-yeah" I was off track. I needed to see him. She stared at the monitor as looked for the room he was in.

"Floor 2" She nodded at us with smile. We thanked her and headed to elevator. We got out to see doctors swarming a room down the hall.

My heart wouldn't stop bounding. I held with a grip to try and prevent it from jumping out of my chest.

Riley looked at me. Then at the nurses that were rushing around like ants.

"It's okay, sweets, breathe" He held my shoulders. I wiggled from his grasp and slowly walked. Shaking.

Rain started to pour down from the sky and it pounded the glass window at the end of the hall.

David told me a story years back-that when it rained, that meant that the angels were crying from the heavens.

Then I started to weep, just like the angels were. I pushed past the doctors and I managed to see what was going on.

David, was extremely pail. His eyes were open. Dead.

The doctors were trying to grab me to get out. I didn't care. I felt...empty.

Riley's was talking to them. I was on floor. The cold floor. I couldn't hear anything.

Suddenly, Riley held me in his arms as he joined me on the cold floor. He was talking, I knew that much. But I couldn't hear.

I didn't want to hear anything. I didn't do anything anymore. But stare at the corpse in front of me.

My one family member that I loved was gone.

I decided to drop ties before developing feelings for anyone. Not to love anyone. Because I'm the only one who ends up getting cut.

My mother. She was the cause of this. This time, she is the one who is going to suffer.



TEASER OF THE DAY: 4 months later...


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