Riley Addition : Yup, Wesley's pissing me off

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School was a real pain. I'm like the new elite genius that appeared before this retards. I never had the need to study. The only problem was waking up every morning for five consecutive days in the week.  I've done it before in elementary school and junior high. But I was always late for class. Which I always am.

I stood at the entrance of the school and ringed the bell. It was an hour after school began and today was one of my usual mornings. 

The secretary opened the door with their technology and shit. I walked in and went for my locker. I noticed a note planted in it. I opened it and it said:

Dear, Riley

   I know you have feelings for Rosie, but I want you to at least except mine. Although, you may think this is weird but...I really really really like you. In fact, I love you, Riley. Please tell me how you feel. <3

                   ~ Alex 

I sighed. Another love later. Really? This is the fifth one this week. Taken from the whole letter this is from Alex, apparently. And I have no idea who that is. I grabbed my books and got into Chem. 

 Rosie. She sat with her curly brown hair pulled in a bun. She had a pink tank top that conveyed too much of her tan skinned. She looked beautiful as usual. I noticed her sitting next to her normal partner, Mackenzie. Apparently known as the school's hottie. Yeah, right. 

"Riley, your here." The teacher awkwardly smiled."Always late, I see. Take a seat" 

"Yes" I nodded. And walked over to sit next to Dinley. A foreign exchange student."Hey, Din" 

"Ye-ye-yeah" He said scratching his nose. His glasses kept bouncing up and down."How...are y-you? May I ask. I mean--you know if you would like me to ask you. You could just tell me to shut up because you know you're so cool--I mean--I--I" His face turned red. Shy, weird kid. 

I put my hand on his spiky black hair."Take it easy. I'm well, Thank you" I messed his hair up. My parents always taught me good manners. He just blushed and went on fielding with his pencil case.

"I'll be back" The teacher walked out of the class. Probably needed the bathroom. 

"Psst" I heard behind me. I turn around to see a girl with long brown hair and big brown eyes. She looked beautiful with her blue dress, it gave out her figure. Her skin tone explained she was from india. I've never seen her before.

"Yeah" I said confused. What does she want? I don't even know her.

"Riley...did you..." She looked right into my eyes. Freaked me out."Read my note" 

"Oh! That was you, Alex" I weirdly laughed uncomfortably."But I don't like know that girl you mentioned" My eyes flicked towards Rosie, she was too busy arguing with Mackenzie to know I was talking about her.

"Ohhh" Alex, my discovered secret admirer, looked behind us to stare at Rosie. "I you don't like her" She turned to me and gave me a grin."Then prove it" She was creeping me out at this point.

"What do you mean, prove it?" I lifted my eyebrow. 


Worst mistake I've made so far. Oh, the pain. Alex's arms were like clinging to mine. I felt so much weight even though she was light. 

"Remind me again why I went along with this" I complained for the fiftieth time. We were walking to a Chinese restaurant.  It was around six in the evening considering the sky was getting a little dark. I wore a white buttoned down shirt with grey skinny jeans. 

"Oh, Riley, just enjoy our time already, you have to prove to me that you don't like Rosie. So, let's just have the time of our lives, alright" She kept clinging harder around my arm. She changed into a green skirt and black T-shirt. She really was beautiful. Wait, what? I can't think too much about her.

We made it there. We were able to get the last seats in the restaurant which was luck, Alex had said. And we sat down. Alex was fixing her makeup in front of me. While I was getting ready for one of my favourite dishes. I wonder how amazing it will turn out. Ahhh...the suspense! 

"Stop drooling and look over your menu" Bitch. Alex was acting strange.

"Aren't you excited, though" I smiled and looked it over. The chicken was amazing. I would like it with noodles. Oh! Maybe I'll have the rice because the rice is just--

"So, decided?" Alex interrupted my thoughts.

"No, I haven't. Let me think, woman" I was irritated by her. What's her deal? 

"What? Were you thinking about Rosie" Okay. That's it. 

"What do you want! You said in the letter you liked me! Not that you wanted to taunt me about a fucking girl who I just know" I yelled. People are staring. Alex was staring...wide eyed. 

Rosie was right. I do attract attention myself. 

"Fine" She calmed down in front of me."But let me, let you in on a little secret" What? 

"Alex" I sighed. "Let's just enjoy our dinner in silence, shall we" The waitress walked up to us with her paper ready for us to order. We ordered. 

"But Riley, I think you'll really want to know about this" She was still persistent. I looked at her and gave her a tired nod. I started drinking my water.  

"Good, okay, Wesley was flirting with Rosie early this morning and asked her out." 

I started choking on my water. Okay. Bad reaction. I don't like Rosie. 

Alex stared at me with an eyebrow raised."You don't like her, remember" 

"Y-Yeah, I know, I don't" Do I still like her? Why do I feel like I always felt. Jealous. I shouldn't be jealous. Alex kept narrowing her eyes at me. 

"Hey" I looked at her with a reassuring smile."Come on. It would be...weird to like her. It would ruin our friendship. Plus, Wesley's my bro. If he likes her then he should date her. Now if I like my best friend while he's dating my bro now thats..." I laughed uncomfortably."That would be breaking the bro code, wouldn't it" 

"Yeah..." She smiled."That would be weird, and what I said about proving that you don't like her. I didn't exactly mean going on a date would clear that up..." 


She smiled."Go out with me"




TEASER OF THE DAY: Wesley asks out Rosie?


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