chapter 42

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While I'm closing my suitcase, I received a text.

I secretly laugh at his answers and grab my final things I'll be bringing

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I secretly laugh at his answers and grab my final things I'll be bringing. We were meeting Lando's family there, so the trip there will be me, Lando and Max only. Lando has been improving by the minute, because he didn't really need his crutches anymore. He was of course still bringing them, but walking without went better by the day. I really dont know what to expect of this vacation, so I'm quite nervous.
I hear a car beep and know it's Max and Lando. I take my stuff and lock my house.
Lando was standing in front of the car, I think because he wants to help with my luggage.
"Sit your ass down. You're not helping with a broken foot." I say pushing him out of my way. He laughs, but still takes my purse off my shoulder. I nod my head laughing and put my luggage in the back.
"I'm driving." I say to Max behind the wheel.
"No you can drive the last half." He says.
"No I can't. I'm scared to drive in other countries. I'll drive through Italy, but that's it." I say making Max roll his eyes.
"Ugh fine." He says and moves to the back.
"Okay.." I say putting my seatbelt on. "Who's the dj?" I ask enthusiastically.
"Me?" Lando ask questionable.
"Wrong. Me!" I say connecting my phone to Lando's car.
It is a small 7 hour car ride so I made a playlist last night cause I couldn't sleep. I've been on vacations by car quite a lot so I really enjoyed it. Besides we all like driving so it wasn't a dealbreaker.
The drive wasn't too exciting honestly. We had a lot of laughs, stopped for gas and food, listened to some childhood stories and of course listened to some more music. During the drive Lando switched to the backseat so he could lay down a bit. Max did the same and halfway there Max and I switched seats so he could finish the drive. I also took a nap and when I woke up we still had 2 hours left.
"My parents arrived. They're going for groceries right now. And uhm we'll arrive around the same time as Oliver." Lando says and I nod my head in response. We talked for the rest of the drive and had to make one last stop.
"We're here." Lando says waking me up. I didn't even realise I fell asleep again. I look out the window in complete shock. It's a completely different world I arrived in lol.
"That's not yours right?" I say to Lando.
"No. My parents. Pretty right?" He says and I scoff.
"That's an understatement. It's beautiful." I say opening the car door.

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