chapter 28

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I really enjoyed my night and I need someone to talk to about it. I knock on Max and Lando's door hoping Lando is still out for his date. When Aaliyah opens the door I curse under my breath.
"Hey." I smile at her.
"What do you want?" She asks me bitterly. I don't have the energy to respond to her so I push her out of my way.
"Hey! I asked you a question?!" She silent screams after me while closing the door.
"I don't need your permission to come in here." I say to her while walking over to Max's room. I stop walking when I see Lando come out of his room.
"Y/n? Is everything okay?" He asks me only wearing a boxershort.
"Perfect actually." I smile at him a bit too happily. "Don't worry I'm here for Max." I say to him.
"He's not here." He answers while Aaliyah walks into his room again. I roll my eyes knowing why she was wearing a robe.
"Where is he? He texted me saying I needed to stop by when I came back from my date." I sigh frustrated. "I really need to talk to someone." I say not meaning what Lando thought I meant.
"You can talk to me?" He asks shyly knowing I'm still mad at him.
"No I'm good." I fake smile at him and walk away.
"Y/n I know things are weird between us right now, but if you need someone to talk to im still he-" he says but gets cut off by Aaliyah.
"Babe! Come back to bed I'm cold! She knows the way out!" I scoff at what she just said and I look up at Lando to see some kind of sad expression in his eyes. He smiles up at me apologetic and turns around.
"Good to know you're still here.." I say disappointingly while walking away.
"Y/n.." he says making me turn around.
"Don't Lan. Duty calls, you should go." I sigh and make my way out of his hotel room. I smile satisfied when I meet Max on the hallway.
"Im sorry I wasn't there to welcome you. I bet Lando did a great job welcoming you?" He softly laughs.
"O yea it was so heartwarming!" I say sarcastically. "No actually Aaliyah welcomed me. Don't go in there btw. They're having sex. I wonder how many rounds they had before I walked in on them, Lando looked tired." I laugh making Max cover his ears.
"I don't want to hear it!" He screams dramatically.
"Come on." I say leading him through my door.
"And? How was it?" He asks me.
"It was perfect. He took me to the most breathtaking place. He brought a blanket with him so we laid down on it and just talked the whole night. He looked gorgeous and he was so sweet and funny." I say not taking a breath during it.
"I'm so glad to hear that!" He says pulling a jar of ice cream out of the plastic bag he has been carrying. "Just in case you would come home sad." He smiles and I hug him.
"You're the best Max Fewtrell! Besides you can eat ice cream to celebrate something too." I smile and walk over to the kitchen for some spoons. When I want to sit down next to Max I hear a knock on the door. I open the door and am faced with Lando once again.
"Ah you're dressed." I say turning my head to Max. He makes a disgusted face making me silently laugh.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Aaliyah went home." He says.
"Okay so now you want to steal Max back from me?" I ask him playfully.
"Sorry bro but that's not possible. We've got ice cream to eat. I'll be back in an hour?" Max asks Lando while I walk back into the kitchen. I open a drawer and look at the spoons thinking if I should do this right now. I choose not too. He immediately blows me off when Aaliyah calls, so why should I treat him as a friend when he clearly doesn't want to be one.
"I'll see you around than?" Lando asks Max and I watch him walk away when I return to the door.
"I don't mind having him around. I thought you wouldn't feel comfortable yet." Max says while I stare at Lando's closed door. It took me a minute but I finally close my door and walk back to the couch.
"I don't mind having him around either and you know that. Id love for us to be friends again, but I really need it to come from his side this time. It's just that I'm sick of getting disappointed by the choices he makes. I know that there are things I did that made our relationship like this, but this is fully on Lando this time. I'm just not ready to talk and fix things right now. Besides, he's too busy with Aaliyah anyways." I say taking the ice cream in my hands.
"I'm not defending him right now, but he did it to protect you, you know." Max says looking up at me talking about the whole Pierre situation.
"He didn't have to do it behind my back. I don't like the sneaky behaviour." I state.
"I understand." He nods his head.
"Let's talk about Charles." I say and pull a blanket over my knees.
"Go ahead." Max answers.
"Okay so I need your opinion. I would like to go on a second date, but paparazzi is messing this whole thing up." I sigh while taking a bite of my ice cream.
"What do you mean 'they're messing this up'?" Max asks.
"Well the pictures where I am in his car are already out. Charlotte must've seen them by now. I just feel really bad for her. I don't want her to think I stole him from her or something." I say and Max eyes grow big.
"You think he cheated on Charlotte with you?!" He whisper screams.
"What no! That's not what I'm saying, I just don't want Charlotte to think stuff like that." I stay silent for a minute and eventually playfully look up to Max.
"He is very pretty tho." I say making us both laugh hard.
"So when you're pretty, you must be a cheater?" Max asks still laughing.
"No but cheaters are 8/10 times very pretty." I laugh but my facial expression quickly changes when my thoughts drift off to something else. "Look at Pierre." I say looking down, still feeling a bit hurt about the whole situation.
"He technically didn't cheat on you." Max responds and I nod in agreement.
"No he didn't, but he is not loyal and that is just as bad." I stand up to go over to the kitchen for a drink to calm myself down. I didn't expect myself to get so mad about this. Unfortunately I do. I lay my hands down on the counter to support myself. After a while I push myself up and sit down on the counter instead. I take a minute for myself and think about what I just said out loud. I should not call Pierre 'a cheater' or 'unloyal' because that is unfair. In fact he is very loyal, because when he realised he still had feelings for Francisca he immediately blew things off with me. Without discussing anything with me but that's not the point here. The only thing I hoped for is that he would've just talked about it with me.

I know I've been in the kitchen for too long when I see two apologetic faces watching me. It takes me two glances to realise that Lando is the second face.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him seeing his face turn into shock.
"The hour is over so I texted him to come pick me up. We're going out for some dinner." Max answers my question for Lando. I nod my head and turn away.
"Do you still like him?" Max asks sitting down next to me on the counter. I now my head 'no' in response. A sigh leaves my mouth because I don't want to answer especially cause Lando's here.
"I just really enjoyed talking to him. He made me feel comfortable and that made me rush things."
"HE rushed things." Lando says.
"What?" I look up at him confused especially because I feel like he doesn't have the right to speak up about this.
"He rushed things y/n. This is all on him. He so desperately wanted to go out with you and when he got the chance he blew it." He explains making me scoff.
"Because you texted him. O I'm sorry, did you forget about your part in this story?"
"No." He responds before taking a breath to continue. "I'm sorry y/n. I knew he was still hung up on her and I did not want to see you get hurt. I was just trying to be a good friend." He answers and it makes me feel guilty. I didn't give Lando a chance to explain it, because I was so high in my emotions. I don't know what to respond so I decide not to.
"I'm tired. I'm going to bed." I say and get off the counter. "I'm going back to my place tomorrow morning. I uh was wondering if you go back home too, we could maybe have dinner at my place?" I ask them knowing this is a bit out of the blue.
"We're leaving late tomorrow, but Tuesday will work?" Max says looking at Lando.
"Sounds fine to me." He answers and we talk about the time and stuff afterwards. When we settle on a time, we say our goodbyes and I watch them go back to their hotelroom.

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