chapter 29

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I've been standing in the kitchen for 2 hours but when I look at the table I know it was all worth it. I might have outdone myself right now and I hope they understand that this is not gonna be a thing we'll be doing a lot. I get changed in my outfit that I picked out yesterday.

I decided to connect a theme to this dinner

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I decided to connect a theme to this dinner. The theme was 'gala'. I texted Lando, Max and Charles telling them not to forget. I still had some time left before they would arrive so I decided to take a seat on my balcony and read my book. After a while I received a text from Lando. I at first thought he would cancel on me but he texted something even worse. 'Im bringing a date, since you are also." He said and I can just hear him say it in the most cocky way. What an ass?! Of course I am allowed to invite Charles. It is my dinner and my house. They were probably already on their way, but I still needed to text Max to let him know I was frustrated about this. I don't even want to see her on track, why would I want to have her in my own house? I also don't understand how Lando's personality can change so quickly. I really thought we were getting somewhere last night, but apparently not.

I quickly walk in the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine

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I quickly walk in the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. I do some last finishing touches and wait for everyone to arrive.
"Hey!" I say to Max, Lando and sadly Aaliyah. Max hugs me as a greeting but Lando just says 'Hey' and takes Aaliyah's hand and leads her to the table.
"Look for your name please." I say.
"Why can't I sit where I want?" He asks confused.
"Just sit where I placed your name." I fake smile and walk over to the kitchen for another glass of wine.
"Anyone want some wine?" I ask but everyone nods their head no.
"Mmh wrong decision." I say making Max laugh. I was kidding but I could feel in my stomach that this night was not gonna be fun. I set the bottle of wine on the table and get everyone else their drink of choice.
"Charles is here." Max says looking out my window apparently seeing his car in the parking lot.
"How do I look?" I ask looking in the mirror.
"Overdressed." Aaliyah says and I turn around.
"Sorry nobody texted you about the details. It happens when you invite yourself to things." I smile bitchy and look back at Max for a real answer.
"Beautiful as always." Max smiles and so do I.
I open the door and am faced with a gorgeous looking Charles.
"Wow. You look incredible." He says spinning me around and kissing my cheek after. It makes me blush. I just didn't expect it, especially because we're not together or anything.
"So do you." I say and lead him to the table. He greets everyone and shakes Aaliyah's hand because he hadn't met her yet.
"Wine?" I ask him.
"Red, please." He says letting go of my waist. I smile at him and walk into the kitchen being followed by Max.
"You didn't tell me you were official?" He says confused by what he just witnessed.
"We're not. I don't know what that was." I nervously giggle. "But I'm not saying I am not enjoying it." Max rolls his eyes and takes Charles glass to the dinner table. When I'm done smiling like a psychopath I also return to the rest. I take a seat next to Charles and am shocked when he places his hand on my thigh. He looks up at me with the biggest smile on his face. I don't really know how to respond so I just let it happen. I like Charles but I expect guys to do this after like 4 dates.
"So Charles, I haven't seen you around the paddock?" Aaliyah asks him and I make eye contact with Lando. I'm glad to see he's just confused as I am. She normally isn't really the spontaneous, talkative person and the three of us all know that.
"Uhm well I've been there since 2018." He laughs. "And my suit is bright red, so I'm quite hard to miss."
We all don't respond, because we don't really know how to. Again a stupid comment from Aaliyah I could get mad over, but I decide not to.
"So why are you here?" She asks him.
"Y/n invited me." He turns his head and smiles at me, but raises his brows after basically asking me who this dumb bitch is. I silently laugh and gesture he needs to respond to her.
"Are you guys together?"
"No. No we're not." He answers and I see something in her facial expression change. Wth?! She is totally hot for Charles.
"Ahh okay." She responds making me scoff. I stand up announcing I'm going to grab the starters out of the oven. Max walks in to help too. I finish the first 2 plates and bring them to the table.
"Do you have a wine glass for me?" Aaliyah asks and I nod my head in response, grabbing a glass for her and taking it to the table. I after that walk back and grab the last plates in the kitchen. While eating I get a few compliments about it but after that we are all focused on Aaliyah's behaviour. She is throwing some comments at Charles that sound like flirting to me. I sometimes glance at Max and Lando and I can tell that they find it a bit unusual as well. After a small hour I grab the main dish out of the kitchen. Aaliyah asks for her 4th wine of the night and I give it to her even though I'm not sure if that's a good idea. Halfway through her 4th glass she's starting to get a bit touchy with Charles which makes me bite my tongue in anger. As soon as Charles notices he places his hand on my upper leg and looks up at me smirking, probably noticing my reaction to Aaliyah's behaviour.
"You wanna go out for breakfast tomorrow and travel to Spain with me?" Charles asks which makes me choke on my bite of food.
"I uh.. I would love to but-"
"But?" He asks me with a complete different look on his face.
"I don't know if it's a good idea because of the paparazzi." I look up at him apologetic.
"I can go with you." Aaliyah says while putting her arm around his shoulder. I'm glad when I see Charles immediately responding to it.
"Wtf is your problem?! I'm right here." Lando finally speaks up after being quiet the whole night. I stand up and take Aaliyah's wine out of her hand.
"I think you've had enough of this." I smile at her. "I'll call an Uber." Lando says to her and I look up at him not understanding why he would do that.
"What? Are you jealous right now?!" She asks getting mad.
"Uhm I'll go call." I say grabbing my phone out of my pocket.
"No you don't have to do anything!" She screams turning to me.
"Hey you better watch your attitude. Remember it's my house you are in." I say to her strictly. She just completely laughs in my face. I frown my eyebrows confusingly.
"You constantly meddle in things that are none of your business! Stop it because I'm not here for it. Lando is my boyfriend and I'm sick of you licking his as*" she says and she finally got me to the point where she does not want me to be.
"I'm giving you 5 seconds to grab your stuff and get out of here."
"Or what?" She asks challenging me.
"Or I'll drag you out by your goddamn hair!" I madly say while walking over to the hallway and grabbing her stuff. Everybody follows me around making sure I don't do anything stupid. I grab her jacket and bag, open my door and throw it outside.
"Y/n!" I hear Lando behind me. 
Aaliyah runs past me and grabs her stuff off the ground.
"You really are a crazy b*tch, you know that?!" She says making me laugh.
"You haven't seen anything yet." I laugh and turn around to face the boys.
"You're free to go with her, but don't come here when she does something with another man." I say and look at Max and Charles who are standing behind him. They are both in shock by my actions so I can't read a opinion off their face. Lando walks past me making me think he is about to leave with her. My face turns pale thinking this is not something we'll ever fix. When he doesn't reach for his coat I feel the colour in my face return. He stands in front of Aaliyah.
"You know I thought you were better than this. I actually thought you would last till dessert." Lando says and the boys finally give a reaction to the situation. We all just can't help but burst out laughing. Aaliyah madly storms off and I can tell Lando is somehow relieved since he's laughing with us. We walk back to the table and I see I was wrong. Lando was indeed hurt by Aaliyah's action. I walk over to Charles and take him to the kitchen with me.
"I uhm.. I'm sorry firstly. This was not how I planned the night to go." I sigh.
"It's okay. This was out of your control. I just didn't know you could get so badass." He answers making me laugh.
"I think you should go. Lando is hurt and he really needs a friend right now. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast?" I smile at him.
"No, yes of course. I understand." He stands up and grabs his coat.
"So we're good?" He asks and I smile as a response. He nods and kisses my cheek before leaving. I let out a sigh and walk back to the kitchen.
"Leave everything. I'll clean this up when I get home. It's time for ice cream." I say handing Max and Lando their coats. They smile up at me and take their coats out of my hand.

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