chapter 19

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"Hey Lando. How are you?" The interviewer asks before they start filming.
I see Lando roll his eyes. "Great, thanks." He says.
"Great. Shall we get started?" He asks him.
"Jup." He simply answers.
"So it's the Monaco Grand Prix. It's quite a special one, especially because a lot of celebrities attend the Grand Prix. Is it something you enjoy too? All the fuss about this raceweekend I mean."
"I love to see so many people get interested in this sport. A lot of people that don't watch the races on their free weekends get invited to the Grand Prix and I think that's a great way to introduce people to something that's new for them. I myself don't really mind to be fair. I love to see all the 'chaos' but I don't join in myself haha. I just try to focus on the race that I have to be apart of." He laughs softly.
I see the interviewers face expression change and I immediately know what question is next.
"Uhm, there has been some fuss about you in the news too actually. Could you give us some clarification on the situation?" He asks and I look at Lando who is obviously uncomfortable.
"I really don't know what to say. There were pictures taken in the wrong lighting. I gently pushed the women out of my way but the person that took the photo twisted the whole story. I was not "violent", those were the words she used. I had to quickly follow someone outside and the women in the picture would not let me through. I asked her nicely to let me through and pushed her out of my way while doing so. There is no way I hurt her." He pauses for a second, but continues after. "This will also be the first and the last time I explain this story."
"And the women you followed outside was Y/N Y/L/N, am I right?" He asks and me Lando immediately look at each other. I see the interviewer look at me with a stupid grin on his face.
"That's right, but I don't understand why that is relevant?" He asks in a sassy way.
"Are you romantically involved?" He asks and I look up at him with my most bitchy face. He didn't seem impressed tho.
"We work together. I would like to leave my coworkers out of this situation. And like I said this was the last time I would speak about it. Have a great day." He says and pulls me away from all the interviewers.
"Lando we can't leave. It'll make everything worse. It's okay, I don't mind. I prepared myself for lies like this. That is just the world you're in. And apparently I am in right now haha." I say looking at him.
"That's not the point tho. You're just my coworker so they shouldn't ask questions like that. They're just trying to make my situation worse than it already is and I'm not putting up with it." He says and my heart drops a bit when I heard him say I was just 'a coworker'. I've been there for him all this time and he sees me as just 'a coworker'.?!
I scoff and walk away from him.
"Fine than we're not going back Lando. Whatever you want." I sigh and walk off.
"Why are you mad now?" He asks trying to stop me.
"I'm not but don't come crying to me when this situation is totally fucked up. I'm not helping you anymore."
"I never needed your help anyway." He says and I turn around.
"I am so sick of fighting with you all the time. No I am sick of you! You are so fk toxic Lando. You and your fucked up personality disgust me. I wish I never met you!" I scream and walk off. "I never wanna see you again!" I say to end the conversation.
"We'll that's gonna be hard since you have to work for me!" He answers.
"I quit! Find someone else to put up with your whining!" I finally walk off to my office. I madly pack my stuff and leave the paddock. I put my earphones in and walk home. I start crying but I quickly wipe away my tears afraid someone might see.
While I'm walking home I get a call from Lando. I sent him to voicemail, but my curiosity takes over so I do listen to the voicemail he left.
"Hey y/n.. I uhm im sorry. I truly am. I don't want you to quit this job. In fact, I think I kinda need you to keep me with both my feet on the ground. I'm gonna become even a bigger mess if you don't help me out here in the paddock. Please call me back."
A sigh leaves my mouth before I call him back.
"Hey thanks for calling." He says.
"No problem." I say and I hear him sigh through the phone. "I'm sorry I made you cry." He says and I think he's really sorry about it.
"You didn't. I'm not crying. I have a cold because you made me walk home without a jacket." I say making him laugh and in that moment the butterflies I wish weren't there started to come up again.
"I was gonna take you home you know. You left early. Besides it isn't even cold y/n." He laughs.
"What was I supposed to do?" I ask him.
"Stay with me." He answers and my breathing stops for a second.
"You clearly didn't want me there. Besides you were a pain in my ass once again." I laugh.
"Send me your location. I'm picking you up. I don't wanna be here right now." He says and immediately hangs up. I feel my cheeks heat up. I'm just happy I've got my friend back. I sent him my location and wait for him to pick me up in his bright orange McLaren. He flickers his lights at me letting me know it's him. Well who else drives a bright orange McLaren? I guess I do like the gesture lmao.

Okay okay enough fighting.

For now...
Sorry I just love writing chapters where in the characters fight lmao. But no I'm going to let them be friends for a while. Anyways no further spoilers, you'll just have to wait and see.😏

Also can I get an applause, because how good have I been at updating this month?!🥴

special green eyes <3 - LNजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें