chapter 12

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Daniel and I arrive at the track after singing our lungs out of our bodies lmao. It's monday today so the paddock isn't as crowded as we're used to and I love it. I tell Daniel I want to take a couple of pictures since there won't be a lot of people in my way.
''I need to speak with Zak for a bit but I'll find you when I'm done. I could use some new pictures.'' He gives me a playful wink which makes me chuckle.
I put my earphones in and decide to make a walk over the track. It's really calming when no one is around me and i took some really great pictures. After a while I hear someone approach me and I turn around to see Daniel.
''And? Did the meeting go well?'' I ask.
''Great, nothing special really haha.'' He says. ''Do you know why Lando's here?'' he asks me.
''Lando's here?'' I ask.
''Yeah and he doesn't look great.'' Daniel says showing me a bit of worry in his eyes.
''What do you mean?'' I ask even though I already think I know what his answer will be.
''Well he looks like he hasn't slept in days.'' I was right.
''Yeah I know. Would you mind?'' I ask wanting to see what Lando's doing here.
''No of course not. I'll meet you after?'' He asks.
''Yeah.'' I say before walking away.
I walk over to the McLaren trailer but I stop when I see Lando sitting outside in the sun listening to some music. I softly walk over to him so he'll notice me and he does. I see a sigh leave his mouth and I give him a soft smile kind of asking him is it's okay if I come over without actually talking. I can tell he's okay with it so I walk over. He was laying down on a small bench so I lift up his legs, sit down and lay them down again on mine.
"What are you doing here?" I ask him watching some other employees clean everything up after yesterdays race.
"I needed to clear my mind." He answers.
"Why?" I ask now looking him into his eyes.
"No clue y/n. Just because." He shoots me an annoyed look. I secretly need to laugh but I try to hold it in cause I know he'll get even more mad at me if I don't.
"Lan there's nothing going on with this bet. It was just a stupid joke between me and Max." I say.
"Still. It's just a stupid thing to say."
"Why does it matter? Cause you like me?" I ask and when I think about it this was not the timing to ask. Lando still gives me an answer tho.
"It has nothing to do with if I like you or not." He says before turning his head.
"I'm sorry. But in my defence I did immediately tell Max that I wasn't going to bet about someone's feelings." I say and once again he shoot me a look.
"I know I know, that's not an excuse and it doesn't make the situation better but it is true." I say giving him my best smile trying to make him less mad at me. He turns his head and I immediately figured I wasn't gonna go until he wasn't mad at me anymore.
I grabbed my earphones out of my pocket and played some music. I started singing along to the song that was playing to annoy him. After 2 minutes of singing real bad he finally gave in and I hear a laugh escape his mouth. He sits up straight and I see this as my opportunity to give him a quick friendly hug.
"Its annoying how I can't stay mad at you." He says.
"I love it actually. Come on." I say standing up and pulling him up by his arm too.
"Where are we going?" He asks.
"Daniel is still waiting for me on the track. He wanted to take some pictures." I say.

"Hey." Daniel says before 'bro hugging' Lando. Lando smiles and greets Daniel. We take some pictures and just have some fun really. After about an hour Daniel leaves and short after so do Lando and I.

"Are you mad at Max?" I ask before going into their hotel room.
"Nah." He says before entering.
"What's up?" Max says as soon as he sees us walking in."
"Everything's fine. We talked." I say.
"So you're a couple now?" He asks death serious.
"What?" Lando asks confused looking back at me. I shrug my shoulders.
"No. Why would we be a couple?" Lando asks.
"I don't know. Never mind. Stupid joke haha." He tries to laugh it off a bit but I know it's a bit late for that.
"I'm going back to my room." I say with red cheeks cause I feel ashamed.
"Why? You can stay here for dinner." Lando offers. I really did not want to be here right now so I made up an excuse.
"I uhm I'm actually going out for dinner." I say smiling awkwardly.
"With who?" Max immediately asks.
"Just a boy." I say before quickly walking away.
"Wait. You're going on a date?" Lando asks making me turn around.
"Yeah kind of. I'm late so I really gotta run." I say.
"With Pierre?" He asks. I think about what I should say. I could text Pierre asking if he has plans.
"I decided to give the waiter from the restaurant a chance." I lie cause I know Lando won't like it if I went out with Pierre, mostly because I basically friendzoned him the first time he asked me out.
"I thought you didn't like him?" Lando asks confused.
"Does it matter? I really gotta go. Bye!" I yell before closing their door behind me.
Omg. I just lied. What if they find out? I have to go out now so they can see I'm actually gone. I quickly do my makeup and put on a dress with heels and walk out of my hotel room. I think about if I should not just go to Lando's and Max's for dinner but I don't. I do decide to text Pierre since I don't want to have dinner alone.

I didn't really see it as a date but I knew that that would get him to go with me

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I didn't really see it as a date but I knew that that would get him to go with me. I did feel bad about lying to Lando and Max especially about who I was going with. I walk outside of the hotel and wait for Pierre to arrive. We decided to go to a small nice Italian place not far from my hotel.

Lando's pov:
"She lied." I say standing behind the window looking down on the street. I see y/n standing outside waiting for the boy to pick her up. I can't see her that well but I immediately know its her and I know for a fact she looks stunning as always.
"What?" Max asks getting up from the couch to see what I'm looking at. We both see her get into the boys car.
"That's Pierre's car. She going on a date with Pierre." I don't what I'm feeling right now but I think it's jealousy creeping in?
"That doesn't make any sense. Did she not talk to you?" Max asks me.
"What did she need to talk to me about Max?" I ask really not knowing what this is about.
"Nothing never mind." He answers.
"No tell me." I ask.
"It's up to her not me." He answers before walking over to the kitchen.
"Why would she lie to me?" I ask Max.
"I don't know. She probably doesn't want to answer the questions you would've asked." Max answers while putting our dinner on some plates.
"There's nothing to ask. She can go on a date with whoever she wants." I say while closing the curtains.
"It's annoying you tho." Max gives me an annoying smile.
"It's not. I just don't know why she would lie about it." I answer.
"Even if it was that waiter she named she was going out with it would've annoyed you. Just admit you're developing feelings for her man."
"There's nothing to admit Max." I say before grabbing my plate and putting it down on the table.
"Yeah whatever you say." Max says before joining me at the table.

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