chapter 9

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I finish uploading some pictures on Mclaren's instagram account and grab my stuff to leave. On my way out I see Daniel who walked out of Zak's office.

''You're in trouble.'' I say to make him turn around because he didn't see me.
''What?'''He says before turning around. As soon as he notices it's me he smiles.
''You kinda scared me haha.'' I laugh.
''That was the point haha. How are you?'' I ask him.
''Fine, you? I just had a quick chat with Zak about the car.''
''I'm fine too, thank you. It'll be okay. The team is working incredibly hard right now haha.'' I say to try and make him stop worrying because I know he secretly is.
''They better haha. No I know they're doing everything they can. I'm gonna check on them real quick if you don't mind?'' He says.
''No it's okay. I was on my way out anyways. I'll see you tomorrow.'' I smile at him.
"Yea see you tomorrow.'' He says smiling at me before leaving.

I don't know why I constantly keep running into people but just before I almost arrived at the parking lot, a hand lands on my shoulder. It's Thomas.

''O my god, you scared me Thomas.'' I say when I meet his eyes.
''I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.'' He says.
''Okay so what's up?'' I ask giving him a confused look because he wouldn't speak up. He still doesn't.
''You forgot your question haha? I have to go so why don't we talk tomorrow?'' I ask him. I just wanna go home. It's been a long, confused day and I feel like I still need to have a conversation with Lando I secretly don't want to have. I smile at him to let him know I'm gonna leave.

''Y/n I hate this.'' He says making me laugh. I turn around and look up at him.
''You hate what?'' I say laughing.
''You know this. Us being so awkward when it doesn't have to be.'' I give him a confused look.
''I'm not being awkward. You are Thomas. I'm okay with being friends but apparently you aren't and that's okay but don't blame me for something you do.'' I spit out.
I'm just tired and I really don't want to talk about guys who constantly tell me they want to get to know me better. I just wanna be on good terms with everyone in the paddock and do what the Mclaren team expects me to do and if they can't accept that, they have my permission to leave.
''Well it's not easy to work with someone who friendzoned you. I can't think about anything else.'' he says making me angry.
''Look Thomas I just don't like you like that. I can't help it I'm sorry. I don't know what you expect from me. Like I said, I'd love to be friends but that's all.'' I say.
''I get it. Look I'm sorry for my reaction, I'll see you tomorrow.'' He says leaving me on the parkinglot.
''It's okay, see you tomorrow.'' I say before turning around and walking over to Lando's car.

I spot Lando and Max next to Lando's car waiting for me. When they see me walking over they get in the car. I get in and sit down on the backseat.
''Hellooo.'' I say.
''Hey.'' Lando answers bluntly.
Max looks at me through the mirror letting me know by the looks on his face Lando still isnt himself.
''Yeah positive vibes all the way.'' I say letting out a sigh. I'm tired and I don't want to get moody because someone else is so I decide to put my earphones in and listen to some music. It feels like the longest drive ever and I'm glad we finally arrive. I grab my stuff and immediately get out of the car.
''Thank you for driving me.'' I say trying to get an response out of him. He gives me a small smile and a smile only. I sigh and turn away from them.
''I'll hear from you when you're ready Lan.'' I say while walking away.

I walk into my hotelroom and hop in the shower. I put on my joggers and blowdry my hair. I decide to order some roomservice and watch a movie.
After about 15 minutes I hear a knock on my door. I open it thinking it'll be room service, but it's Max instead.

''Hey.'' He says.
''Hey? Is everything okay?'' I ask him.
''Yeah well not really. I tried talking to him.'' He says.
''Him? Lando?'' I say being confused by what he said.
''Yes I tought you might be able to help out.'' He answers.
''Me? Why me? I don't even know what's going on, how will I be useful for this?'' I ask him.
''I don't know but can you at least try?''
''I don't know Max. I don't know what I could say to him to help. Like I said I don't know what's going on.'' I tell him.
''He'll tell you I think. He trusts you and it's not that he doesn't trust me but I don't know I'm just not great at giving peptalks like these.''
''And you think I am?''
''Come on y/n please.'' He says.
''Okay but my pizza is on it's way so give me 5 minutes.''
''Take it with you, we're starving.'' He says while walking back to Lando's room. I laugh at his comment. I close the door and wait for my food to come. After a 10 minute wait I again hear a knock on my door. I thank the man who hands me my food and walk over to Lando's hotelroom. Max opens the door and when I walk in I don't see Lando. I look at Max confused.
"He's in the other room making some music I think." He says and I smile at the thought of him playing some music. I put the food down on the counter and walk over to the other room.
I softly open the door and see him all focused on his music. I can't help but stare and smile at his cuteness. Max walks over and stands next to me.
"You've got some drool right there." He says while touching my chin acting like he's taking away 'the drool'.
"O shut up." I say laughing. As soon as Lando hears the familiar laugh he turns around and looks at me.
"We'll meet you in the kitchen." I say letting Max know I'll try and talk to Lando on my own. He smiles and walks away.
"Hurry up tho, I'm hungry and I don't like waiting!" He yells from the kitchen.
We both laugh at Max's comment.
"Hey.." Lando says softly.
"Hey." I give him a smile before walking over and sitting next to him.

Chapter 9! With a cliffhanger😯 sorry guys hahah. It's not that dramatic lol but I just thought it would fit better if I'd make a new chapter for the conversation between Lando and y/n.🫶🏻

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