Storm- 19

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Author's Note: it was raining as i wrote this, so i sat outside under the roof of my porch and just wrote in the rain<333

Puddles rippled, her shoes soaking as she walked through. To keep the wet hair from her face, she'd tied it back into a pony and now made her way through the streets of the city in search of an easy target. She wasn't going to let her friends eat watermelon-mush. Not when they'd given her a home, a family, a bed, and clothes. Happiness. They'd given her happiness, and it was time to return the favor with the skills they'd taught her. 

Eventually, her eyes landed upon a small sandwich shoppe. It was open, and crowded with soaked passerbys who must've needed shelter from the rain. That was good. The more people, the more money. Running through the puddles, she entered the small building. The smell of food tickled her nose, her mouth watering as a result. It was a small business, crowded with red tables, while the floor was tiled black and white. 

Sophie eyed the room for the one that would unknowingly do a good deed. A man with a scraggly beard and a tired look hinted at Sophie's success, his lack of sleep being the thing that would lead to his downfall. Not literally. It'd just be easier to snatch loose change from someone who wasn't as alert as others. Invisible hands stretched from Sophie, snaking through the crowd and into his wallet as his hand dug through in search of a credit card. 

He could've been struggling, her consciousness told her. He could've been trying to buy that sandwich for a loved one in need. He could've been saving up in cash to buy something special for someone. That man could've used the money for anything. Now, he wouldn't be able to, because of Sophie. 

At least... that's what the old Sophie would've said. That Sophie had never needed to steal, always having had a loving home and family. That Sophie had had the support of hundreds of people. She'd had everything, even if it had come with an evil group of people constantly trying to kill her. Now, while her friends were real this time, they were also poor. They only had each other, and it was important that they look out for each other. Whatever the man's story was, Sophie didn't care. Because her family was hungry, and they deserved it more. 

"Excuse me," she told the young woman at the counter, who seemed not much older than Sophie, herself. "Can I get five sandwiches without meat, and a large water?" 

‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓐐𓎩 ‧₊˚ ⋅🍽️**  (๑ᵔ⤙ᵔ๑)  🍉  🍉  🍉 ୧ ‧₊˚ 𓐐⋅𓎩 ‧₊˚

After ordering, Sophie made her way to one of the tables in the back, needing to keep a low profile, should the man somehow realize what had happened. Finding a two-person table where the crowding wasn't too bad, Sophie waited. 

She fiddled with the elephant charm on her bracelet, needing something to occupy her time that didn't involve losing eyelashes. She let her mind wander, doing her best to ignore the taunting aromas that reminded her how hungry she, and the rest of her friends were. With things so packed, it was likely the food would take awhile, and she hoped her friends weren't too hungry. 

Thunder rumbled outside, and she found her eyes peering past everyone and out the window where the rain fell hard. She hoped the Renegades had made it back to the apartment safely---Evander, too. Was he still missing, or had he met up with the others already? She knew he was responsible enough to take care of himself, and that he was probably older than her. However, she couldn't keep the idea of danger from her mind, and she continued to worry, as the rain fell harder outside. 

She watched as the rain hit the puddles, thunder booming in the near distance. As a kid, thunder usually frightened people. It had frightened Sophie, and she was positive she wasn't alone. She'd curl up into a ball and read from beneath the blankets to comfort herself, Marty in her lap and purring. However, now, Sophie found comfort in the thunder, itself. 

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