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Amy had been staring down at her phone, blankly scrolling through her contacts when she'd heard a knock at the door. Suspicion kicked in, as her parents had been out of town all week. Her friends had all claimed to be busy throughout summer, and while she wasn't sure if she believed them, she knew for a fact they wouldn't visit her without warning. 

She'd wanted to pretend she wasn't home, but Watson had already started barking at the door. 

"Watson," she hissed, dragging the dog away by the collar. Another knock told Amy that she'd been exposed. They knew she was home, and they were insistent. However, before she could open the door and tell them to buzz off, the door flew open and a girl with white hair and a frown strode into the room. 

"Hey!" Amy released Watson, though he wasn't barking anymore. He simply stood there, tail between his legs as he watched the girl. Amy rolled her eyes. "Who the heck are you to---" 

"Save it," the girl snapped. "Where is she?" 

Amy opened her mouth to snap back, when three others entered the room with worried expressions. Amy recognized them instantly. "Fitz? Keefe? And... that girl?" The blonde girl's face went sour, her eyes staring into Amy's soul. "Sorry, what are you doing here? Who is this?" She nodded to the girl with a rather unpleasant expression. 

"Elysia," Elysia answered. "Now, where's the murderer?" 

"Excuse me?" Amy's fists clenched. Who was she to kick down Amy's front door and demand information without any "pleases" or "thank you's"? Amy snatched Elysia's hand, and dragged her out the door. "You don't get to come into my house, ask me questions, and expect me to just let you do whatever! I don't know who you think you are, but trust me, elven titles mean nothing to me, and I won't tolerate any rudeness." Throwing her off the porch, Amy slammed the door, locked it, and turned to Fitz. "What the heck is going on?!" 

Fitz turned to Keefe, who turned to the other girl, who turned back to Fitz and sighed. "That's Elysia, and none of us like her, either. Trust me, none of us want to be here." 

"So, why are you?" Amy eyed the three of them, watching as they struggled to come up with an explanation. The door burst open once more, and a furious Elysia stomped inside. 

"I know you're hiding her! Tell us where she is, before I pluck your eyes from your head!"

The blonde roared. "Elysia, shut the---"

"She won't answer your questions if you treat her like that," Fitz interrupted. "Besides, plucking eyes from heads isn't legal." 

"The council doesn't have to know," Elysia argued. "And anyway, she's hiding a fugitive which is illegal which means she'll need to be punished---"

"What do you mean 'fugitive'?" Amy raised an eyebrow as Fitz, Keefe, and the blonde girl all went pale. Fitz stepped closer, his eyes expressing his sympathy. Amy locked eyes, wishing she were a telepath in that moment. The tension in the air was too thick; the fear in everyone's eyes, frightening. "What. Does. That. Mean."

"Amy, do you know where Sophie is?" Fitz didn't look away, waiting for an answer. 

"No, I was wondering why she wasn't with you. Why? Did something happen? Is she okay?" Amy's questions were met with silence, only causing her to panic. "Where's my sister, Fitz? What happened to her?" 

"Oh," Elysia said. "Sophie's your sister! I was wondering why they'd let a human live after discovering the elven world. It makes sense now, considering how 'special' Sophie was." 

"'Was'?" Amy's voice cracked, her eyes glossing as theories spiraled through her mind. "Fitz? Keefe?" 

"I was gonna let them give it to you softly, but they're too slow. Amy, right? You're sister's a murderer. Killed your old neighbor. Y'know the Forkle guy?" 

Keefe stepped in. "We don't actually know if she's a murderer---"

"Please," Elysia scoffed. "You were literally a witness!" 

"I saw Forkle die," Keefe spat. "But it's too easy to impersonate someone---"

While the elves continued to argue, Amy had fallen into a dark void of confusion. Claiming Sophie was a murderer, they obviously wanted her found for a reason. Imprisonment? A death sentence? Even if Amy did know where Sophie was, did they really think she'd rat her own sister out? If Sophie was found, though... the punishment wouldn't be good. Chills ran down her spine. 

"Amy," Keefe said. "Sophie isn't a murderer. I've seen her get sick just thinking about blood, multiple times. She hates the idea of hurting people---even the Neverseen. How could she kill the person she's known since forever?"

Amy held to his words, promising herself she'd have faith in Sophie until proven wrong. With that in mind, she looked at Elysia. "She's not here. If you want proof, have Fitz search the place. Not you, though. I don't like you." 

Elysia sent Amy a death glare, shrugging. "Fine. We'll leave. But, you're coming with us until we find her." 

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