Chapter Six: bad situation

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As we already knew... julian does not think about her future... whether
as a successful girl in her professional life or...
.. Marriage
.. She did not think in advance about romantic matters .. or future unknowns
Her simplest ambition is to live in peace
Unlike her friend, Marin, who had always dreamed of being a successful woman in her work, and entered a college with prestigious status.. What concerns her most is to have a romantic side in her life .. to have a good and successful husband like her .. live together in a life crowned with success and determination.
Their ambitions differed, but perhaps fate had other opinions
.. Everything was different between them
.. Especially on an important point that marin had not previously touched upon
...But that night...Marin sat staring at the ceiling of the room...thinking ..asking..and answering herself.
Why do I not find comfort in my financial dealings??
Why do I feel guilty when I go to school and buy books and tools?
“Why do I feel my chest tighten when I hear, “This money is not enough.
Your mother’s medicine costs more than this.”
.. Why do I feel pain when I ask my mother for something... like food and drink?
Why did I hesitate so much when I told my mother that I wanted some money to buy a gift for my friend julian?
Despite all this, why did my mother agree to me going on the trip?
The suspicion that she wants to make me feel sufficient... and that I am missing nothing... and that she wants to tell me that there is no one better than me...
.. julian.. despite her parents’ separation
.. She never suffered from any financial hardship
...she did not struggle to book the trip.. she did not struggle to buy the insulin injection.. which she takes daily.
...and this is costing more and more
Why can't we have as much money as Julian's family?
I don't want money for entertainment...but all I want is for my mother to stay with me for as long as possible...I want to
.. treat her
..I don't want to lose her like I lost my father
...Why do fates differ in such a matter?? I am in dire need of money
...I wish I had money like her, even for one day
But... I never wish to live with cruel parents like hers... and I would not like to be ignored.
..and explain their fights
Julian may have money...but what is its value in light of the disintegration of family ties??
... Well... morale before material things... money has no value as long as the family is scattered
.. On the other hand.. julian was laid out at the window of her room
...she thinks and wonders
This fate is strange ...but it is fair
.. It is a divine wisdom that we will not understand until after death
.. A person suffers from everything he faces in his life
Then he ends up injured and wounded
In my battle, I lost a part of my body, in the form of diabetes
.. As for the Battle of marin... she lost a part of her psyche... which is the disease of cyclothymia.
We both injured
Some of us suffer from physical illness, and some of us suffer from mental illness
...and in the end...survival is only for the strong
The morning came. I prepared my bag and went to school to wait for the students to gather, specifically Marin.
..The transport bus has arrived..and as usual, Marin is always late
..But I soon found her jogging and running fast so as not to miss the bus
...She quickly entered and finally sat down She said excitedly: Are you ready?!!
Julian: Of course!!
Marin: You know?? I don't want to sleep on the bus
I will ask you something...let us make a promise to each other today!!
Let us forget all our worries throughout the trip...and...
Do not talk about what is sad.. and put all our focus on the scientific and entertainment fun of this trip.. agree??
Julian: Agreed!!! No black conversations today!! Marin: Yes, that's what I want to hear
.. I said it.. while putting a fake smile on my face
..I'm trying to entertain myself..and I hope it's useful
...I will try as much as possible to make it a trip for fun and nothing else
.. The bus started... and everyone was having fun and clapping ..Marin happily claps with them
..But I feel ashamed and do not know how to applaud like them
And here marin slapped me... so I started clapping with them... and the whole bus was filled with joy.
About half an hour later, the bus calmed down, some went to sleep, others put on headphones and listened.
.. to music.. the other watches nature from the window
...As for Marin...she fell asleep, of course
.. And I.. I don’t do anything
My mind is only occupied with my family, which does not pay any attention to me
...All I remember
I called my mother yesterday (Hello, mother.. I will go tomorrow.. for a school trip.. I will not be home)
.. My mother: Do whatever you want
... Whenever I remember this conversation, which did not last a few seconds, I feel oppressed
Why all this neglect? Are you not afraid of anything for me??
Marin: Didn't I tell you to stop being miserable today?!!!!!
Julian: What!! Do you read my thoughts!! Aren't you asleep?
Marin: I know everything.. Stop complaining.. and smile now
... We are on a journey... the last journey... and what is coming is worse
.. We will enter the race for secondary exams
I was silent for a while and started thinking about what was coming next
..and soon my head fell on the chair in front of me..and I fell asleep
... after an hour and thirty minutes
.. The bus arrived... Marin and I quickly got up
...and for the first time in a long time... I started to feel a little excited and
.. After we landed on such a beautiful land
.. Around beautiful natural green lands.. an archaeological museum was built here
.. it is amazing .. by all standards
.. Its beautiful dome.. its amazing carvings
.. I did not even pay attention to what was inside it as much as its external appearance
..and here
..I was dismissed for a while
...I forgot myself for a moment ...I'm watching a museum..but
What distracted my attention was that young man standing there
.. With his beauty and handsomeness .. and his hairstyle .. and his attractive features He is Alfred!!!!!
...I turned to him... His beauty did not attract my attention as much as I
felt terrified by his presence
Why did he come?? Will it cause me problems again??! .. Especially since Marin is here personally.. and she knows him well..but I don’t know what the relationship is between them
..I'm afraid it will cause a trouble
.. I am afraid that he will bring a quarrel between us... or tell Marin something about what happened to us previously
..Marin does not know anything about what happened to me with Alfred
...She doesn't know that I've met him before
But if we encounter Alfred here, it will be the worst situation I have ever been in in my life!
How should I act???
Should I tell Alfred to stay away, or should I tell Marin what happened?
Isn't it stupid of me to think about something like this???
I was distracted by these matters... Then Marin shouted at me sarcastically: Who are you thinking about??? Would you like to Chat with those guys over there or what?
And here I was stupidly hasty: What???? Do you know them?
Marin replied, laughing: Yes, they have been with me since elementary school. You were not with us at the time, but I hate this group of boys Here I once again hastened to ask a stupid question: What?? Why ?
Marin: How long have you been interested in these matters??
Julian: Well... sorry... I didn't mean to ask
..Marin: No, just kidding
I used to quarrel with these boys during my primary school days...that's why we have quarrels and we don't talk a lot
.. Her words are like what Alfred said to me
...During our conversation, Alfred turned to us from a distance
..And saw what on our tongues
...And here... he moved, heading towards us
.... Well.. I can say now that this is actually the worst day of my life.. after my parents’ separation
I have repeated the word many times, but I really need it
.. Alfred arrived.. and I found him smiling and greeting: Welcome, you both.. Glad to see you here.
Marin: What do you want, you idiot?
Alfred: Nothing... just say hello
Marin: we do not need your hello
Alfred: How are you, Julian? Glad to see you here
I stuttered... became confused... my face turned... I buried it in the ground like an ostrich... and I only said a few words...
...letters that are not arranged or understood
.. Both Marin and Alfred were surprised at my suspicious behavior
.. And here Alfred said: Okay.. I will leave.. I wish you both a happy trip
...and then he has gone
..Marin said in amazement: What's wrong with you? Why all this tension? Slap him in the face. He is a stupid boy
Just a moment !!!! How did he know your name? You don’t say anything in class
I became more nervous.. Marin said: Do you know him??
Julian: Well.. umm... aaaaa
Marin: Even if you know him, don’t expect anything from him. He is arrogant and steals the hearts of school girls with his handsomeness.
And his hairstyle.. he thinks himself the best.. he does not give anyone attention.. do not expect friendship from him.. he is arrogant
I received her words and I did not understand anything
This is not Alfred's personality... If what she said were true... he would not have come to me specifically and chat with me
..He confessed his love to me in advance...and even saved my life and took me to the hospital
Why did she talk about him like that???
I followed up my questions with a stupid question: What??? Why???
Marin: Why???!! Do you love him ??
.. My tension increased more and more: No, I don’t love anyone!! I just don't understand
.. marin got angry.. Then she said: Why all this tension?? I don't understand anything from you
.. Julian: Well.. the only thing is that he talked to me before.. but I don’t know him and I don’t know anything about him.
Marin: Did he speak to you before? Why ??
She hastened to say: He... he spoke to me about academic matters I looked at Marin: academic matters ???
...Anger and doubt appeared on her face
I quickly said: Please leave this conversation...let us focus on our outing
..There is no doubt that Marin understood my lie.. She is not stupid to deceive me
But the important thing is not to tell her anything, especially about her illness
I was sure that she had not forgotten about this conversation on that trip, she would ask me later about the details.
And here we continued our excursion
..There is no need for me to tell you about the beauty and magnificence of the statues
We are not in a happy story. Our happiness in the journey is not necessary
.. We are not in a historical story to tell you the history of this statue and its story
...And here.. our outing ended.. and we returned to school
.....And from school.. every student dispersed.. heading to his home
..I arrived home...and as soon as I arrived and entered the living room
..until I found my mother
She came to me and even hugged me
.. As you know, I do not feel comfortable in my mother’s embrace.. and I expected a new calamity
And here she said quietly: I miss you, my dear. Thank God for your safety
.. I did not say anything.. so my mother continued: And as I promised you before, your life would improve.. so I decided to reward you with something.
I know that what happened to you will not be enough, but I am trying to make you happy as much as possible
I was silent.. and expected it to be candy.. or a sum of money.. 100 pounds, for example. the best case scenario..a new phone
..but really shocked me
I felt like she was truly trying to make me happy, not just deceive me with a financial reward
.. It is a gift.. and it may be the best gift that has ever come to me
... that it
My mother said in a calm voice: I hope you like it.. I tried to apologize to you by the best way.. and here I decided to...
.. I allow you to raise a cat, despite my hatred of animals
.. I couldn't believe myself.. as if I felt a wonderful feeling that I had never felt before
...I was filled with true happiness for the first time in a long time
And here I started petting the cat and thinking of a name for it
.. And in that moment.. my thinking changed for the first time... from
negative thinking
To think of a name for a cat!!!
... The important thing is that I... escaped from Marin's problem... and thought about what happened
All I was afraid of was Marin's illness...and that she would know such a
dangerous secret...especially since her mother, personally, didn't tell her
..As for the other side
..So Marin lay down on her bed
....You think about the details of the dialogue and scrutinize it .. Is this Alfred.. who deceived all of us girls?
..and he showed off to us about his handsomeness and beauty..and his goal was nothing but Julian???
Is it possible that he loves Julian??
Is Julian better than me.. so that he loves her.. and doesn't he love me?
Didn't julian tell me that she had nothing to do with matters like this?
Is she cheating on me??
Did Alfred, whom I have known since childhood, become a friend of Julian??
Did julian have friendship and romantic moments and I haven't yet???
...Didn't she say that she doesn't care about things like that?
Did they deceive me???? Are they better than me????
Despite everything I do, I look good in appearance and socially..
I fail...and Juliann, who has a weak, emaciated personality, becomes the best????
.. I can not accept something.. which is the success of Julian’s
friendship with Alfred
One shock after another... namely that she hid the matter from me... meaning that she deceived me throughout this period.
Are you afraid that I will cause them problems ,julian???
Why didn't you even tell me??
Does she share with me what is bad and does not tell me what is good??
...Are you, Julian, after all this... a bad friend?
And you pretend to be ignorant???
Despite your failure socially, did you succeed in forming a friendship with an attractive young man like Alfred????
...... am I
Am I okay..????
...It turns out that there has been a severe misunderstanding...that may
result in a disaster later
...This is Marin, who has ambition and a social personality. She did not find a boyfriend
...Unlike julian, who had never thought about something like this, it came to her from heaven was an important turning point in Marin's life...and it was the beginning of a fire...that may never be extinguished.
.. The most important thing is here... Let the three of you get ready...
Julian, marin, and Alfred
..secondary exams...the tests are at the doorstep…

The black string of friendship〰️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon