Chapter Five: Which is honest?

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Sometimes both parties struggle to maintain the bond between them
Both of them are forced to conceal what is inside them... and not blame the other... and be content with compliments and cool words
Over time, these silent reproaches accumulate...and soon explode like a volcano after it was...
.. dormant .. as soon as something simple happens
People may go through a bad phase throughout the day... pretending to be angry
In this case, the person exposes everything he conceals within himself, and is bombarded with a lot of words and reproaches.
...which may not be understood either
In reality, everything that is said in a time of anger is nothing but the truth that has been delayed.
There is no such thing as (this is words of anger or nervousness... and he will apologize to you later).
Even if he apologizes....beware of moments of anger and listen to them will know what they are think about your flaws..and how they think about you
He may pretend to be loving and kind, but you do not know the amount of negative energy inside him that he conceals towards you.
A true friend is one who conceals that negative energy
He only blames in secret...and in a gentle way
He is not affected by moments of anger... and he does not want to lose those around him... out of a false motive called (anger)
We all get angry, but we must not lose our brain while being angry
.. These words do not only apply to a friend.. Rather, they must be applied to all those around us... from the people
..and family
..and even yourself
I don't know why I should be aroused by thoughts like this now... but it seems that I was really angry until I lost ..My rightness
.. I don’t understand why I am here.. in that place
..on this bed..and wearing these lue clothes
.. I am putting solutions... running through my veins
...I'm bored. This is too bad.. I come here every now and then... to the hospital... after my health has deteriorated because of what I'm suffering from.
Even now... I don’t understand what happened... I don’t understand Alfred ... and I don’t believe Marin’s situation !! I cannot accept the shock of my parents' separation..
I kept thinking a lot
..Until one of them entered upon me
.. uh no , shit ..she is my mother
She entered and looked at me with a look full of pity.. Then she said harshly: I don’t believe this!!! Have you ever eaten sugarAgain!! Don't you learn! Didn't you understand that sugar is forbidden?! Would you like to stay here all your life!! do you want to Kill yourself or what?
.. I could not bear her words.. and I looked at her with looks filled with contempt
My mother's gaze straightened, and she quickly calmed herself down
Then she said quietly: I apologize ...but I did not believe that you fell into a diabetic coma.
.. again
.. Please be careful with yourself
.. I know that you are stressed.. but forgive me.. I neglected you
.. The responsibilities are increasing on me.. and I am alone
..I promise that I will make you live a better life than you lived
..The useless ambitions have begun
...but I really hope so
My mother was silent for a while.. Then she said: Do you know someone called Alfred??
...I understood for a moment.. and my heart contracted quickly.. and I felt very nervous
I quickly became reckless and said out loud: No, I don’t know him!!!
...I think this is better...but I am bad at lying...and I will soon get into trouble. !! What does Alfred want?how did she know him??
..And here my mother said: He is the one who took you here to the hospital
He is truly a gentleman. He saved your life even though he did not know you
.. Silence for a while.. as I try to understand what is happening
Alfred saved me after I fell victim to a diabetic coma...and now my mother knows him...and after my lie...
..I will never escape from
. Then my mother continued: He said that he was walking in the street and soon found you lying on the ground.
..So he called an ambulance
.. Even though he does not know you, he did us a favor
.. ERROR 404 ….I did not speak .. and I felt that there was a big error!!! Did Alfred lie too?? Didn't he make it a point that I might tell the truth...what stupidity this is!!
Then my mother suddenly got up
Then she extended something to me and said: I found this with you
she gave me a picture and a medal
..I quickly remembered that Alfred gave them to me..when I was entering the coma
...this medal ..which carries first letter of my name with.." J". I looked at it carefully.!! What's with this young man!! What does he want?
Then I looked at the picture: Alfred and his classmates in primary school
He seemed like a smart boy who loved studying. He also seemed handsome since he was young
..And among them is Marin...who looked like a beautiful and innocent
It is written on the picture: “Welcome Marin... her first day after a long absence.”
... What is meant here is her return to school... after her father death
.. Why does Alfred give me things like this .. I don’t understand him .. He seems to really love me
But it is malicious... perhaps it is social malice... or emotional malice... I don’t know which is closer.
After the day was over, the doctors allowed me to go home
My mother took me and we came back together
She prepared dinner for me and sat with me for a while
...I felt some kindness from her...and that she had become kinder than
..And after that night was over..Marin called me
Check on me
We did not talk for long. We agreed to meet tomorrow at some point
And I stayed in my bed, thinking and turning things over in my mind
.. Alfred came to me to tell me about Marin's illness
...And I don't know his purpose for this
.. But I became reckless in anger.. and I told him about diabetes ..I didn't really want to tell him But..will he keep it a secret??
Can anyone tell??
I won't tell Marin any more about this. She might think it's a contagious disease or something similar. She might actually hate me if she found out about it.
..She will also be surprised at what I kept hidden from her all that time
I am trying to accept her illness.. but perhaps she does not accept mine.. .. I do not want to tell anyone But one moment!!!
.. Alfred told me about Marin's illness!
So it's not far from telling Marin about my illness!!!
The problem will be here
.. What if marin found out about the matter from Alfred?
... It will be worse and worse... and she will know that I hid it from her ..
and that there is something between me and Alfred.
What should I do ??? Should I tell her???
...How confusing
...The next day came
...and we both met in our known place... in front of the river
..I found a gift bag in her hand
She quickly received me happily...and immediately said: Why didn't you come on our agreed upon 6 o'clock????
Julian: I apologize for this. It was not in my power. Let me tell you
Marin: Okay, but before you tell me, take this gift!!! It's cake
..I noticed that you like sweets, so I decided to buy them for you
..I was amazed at what she brought
!! I really want to eat sugar!! I would like to get rid of what is left of my health
..I felt like this was my only chance to eat cake
.. Soon we both sat down.. and I opened the box.. and took out the cake
I looked at it with a deprived look. Then I rolled up my sleeves and
prepared to eat it greedily.
...and I began to devour it in a suspicious manner...cut it into pieces...chew it violently as if I were taking revenge on myself.
And here marin smiled, laughing: It seems that you liked it very much...but don’t forget that we are on the street.!!😃 I suddenly stopped, felt embarrassed, and stopped eating marin laughed again:hey !! Is there no moderation? Eat like a
...Silence for a while
...and I felt that I was in a bad situation... and that I was not responsible enough for myself
We were both silent.. marin said: Where were you last time?
I was a little busy with my mother... when she found a new medicine on the market... that might work for her... but it was..
.. very expensive .. and we could not buy it
.. I wish I were rich.. I would be able to buy this medicine ..I want money for treatment...not for entertainment julian was silent for a while and could not find anything to say marin said: I apologize.. I talked about myself.. Tell me how are you doing.. and how are your parents?
.. Julian: I told you, I did not find my parents at home
I spent a day alone...and when the next day came, my mother took me...officially announcing the separation from.... My father in family court
marin was shocked..: of..officially??
Julian: Yes... and the matter did not stop until this... I had a bout of anger... until I went to...
.. The hospital.. and I spent a few days there
They may be painful days...but I feel comfortable when I close my eyelids and sleep peacefully without hearing trouble.
.. around me
Marin: Are you in a coma??? What type of disease is this??
.. I was silent for a while.. and I felt that it was time to tell her the matter Sometimes I wait until the time comes and tell my secrets, even though I don't want anyone to know them.
But because it really hurts me, I feel comfortable when I talk about it. I feel that I have recovered when
...complain to anyone
...And here I said in a low voice: I have diabetes ..Marin was shocked...and her eyes widened She said: Were you born infected with it??? .. Julian: No.. I was born naturally Marin: So..what caused it???
julian was silent for a while, and she was gathering the strength to tell
one of the secrets inside her
...It is an important secret that links the events together
Julian let go of the spoon from her hand and took the cake away from her
.. Then she said in a trembling voice: It is because of what I was exposed to
What I saw from my parents is not just words heard and actions seen
..But it has a much worse effect than this
One of the most common causes of diabetes is exposure to severe stress and tension... to which a cause is attributed
..I got infected with it
The beginning of the matter was not clear... but soon my mother noticed the sudden decline... with dehydration
Extreme eating a lot of food
...and as you know the famous symptoms... my mother took me to the doctor to do a blood sugar test
I thought at the time that it was the worst day in my life, but I took back my words because there were worse things out there.
.. The important thing is that it was a terrible day by all standards.
Especially because she has a phobia of injections and sarinjas
It is not just the fear that children are accustomed to... but it is a phobia... that drives me to do anything... the important thing is get away from the sarinja
And here I felt like a tortured prisoner. My mother was content with the cruelty of being able to take a blood sample and do a blood Analysis
.. It has become clear that I am infected with the disease
..and as you do..the treatment of one disease is opposed by another disease
The treatment was the well-known insulin injection, which was followed by a phobia
Every day, whenever the time for the injection came, the house would be filled with shouting and my throat would get tired... .. I ended up a victim of the injection and the disease
And so I got used to it...until my parents started neglecting treatment because they were preoccupied with their problems...and of course I neglected myself.
..I don't care
...and I started eating sweets like crazy... as revenge on myself and my family
Marin got up and shouted with all her might: “You are diabetic and you are eating cake!!!” With all this gluttony!!! Don't warn me First???!!"
Julian: No, I am happy because I ate it.. What is forbidden is desirable
Marin: Don't you say that you are detained in the hospital when you eat sugar!! How do you eat cake like this!!!! How do you? !!!Alert me! Julian: Thank you for giving it to me Maring : SHIT !!!!!!
... Julian: No, I thank you. I always eat sweets, so don’t blame yourself ...Marin felt if she would be the cause of Julian's situation
julian looked at her angrily, then said: Please change the subject. I do
not like to talk about this
I hope you don't tell anyone about it
...Marin was silent, depressed, looking at the ground
... Then julian said: I apologize for ignoring you in the conversation about your mother’s treatment. Tell me how she is
...Marin stared with an angry face... and she felt upset with me...
because she had hurt me without knowing
Then she submitted and responded changing our chat
She straightened her seat and said: Well, we are suffering from a financial crisis. It is not very bad. We eat.
..And we drink like people
..But we are not able to buy what is beyond the ordinary
Sometimes I feel that my education is a burden on my mother...or entertainment
.. Even treatment.. we cannot buy it
As you know the reasons... my father died when I was young... and my mother does not work much due to her medical condition.
...So the situation is completely hard julian was silent...then she said: I wish I could help you...but I don't have any money of my own
...Marin was silent...and did not speak
Then for a moment... her face turned with joy... (This made me notice the symptoms of the disease in her)
.. She said quickly and enthusiastically: I remembered something !! During your absence the past few days, our school announced something wonderful: we will be making an amazing school trip. ..The destination will be to the International Museum Julian: Really??? Are you going???
.. marin: Yes!! I was hesitant at first because of the costs, even though they were low
But my mother told me that it would be an educational and entertaining trip... and I should not miss it... especially since It does not cost a lot The best thing is that I reserved a place for you just in case, so that the reservation does not expire.. What do you think?? Aren't I a good friend?
!! Julian: Oh.. Thank you very much
.. marin: You also know.. This trip is our last chance for entertainment
!! Before entering the finals, which are the third year secondary school exams
.. So
Let us all get ready… !!!

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