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"They tried to paint his tale with mere scribbles so frail,
He had to nod, but the truth he shall unveil.
He accept the blame, though it's not rightly placed,
For in his heart, his story's strength can't be erased."


As the plane touched down and the cabin doors swung open, Alan disembarked, stepping onto the familiar territory of the airport, his gaze fell upon a familiar car waiting to collect him. As he handed over his bags to the waiting driver and settled into the vehicle, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The car began to navigate the well-known streets leading to Lawson House. Alan couldn't help but feel like a teenager catching sight of his first crush. But it wasn't just anyone who could evoke such emotions in him.

It was her and her alone.

The memory of the very first time he had laid eyes on her came rushing back, enveloping him in a warm embrace of nostalgia. It was as if the clock had turned back, and he was reliving that moment all over again, the rush of emotions flooding back like a tidal wave, reminding him of the profound impact she had on his life.

Fifteen years back

The very first time he laid eyes on her was within the walls of Lawson House, a moment etched indelibly in his memory. Instantly, a flutter of butterflies took residence in his stomach. How could it not, when before him stood a vision of pure innocence? Her cute two pigtails framed her face, and her wide, innocent eyes held a certain enchantment, making her look like a living doll.

Yet, their first encounter was far from a fairy tale. As he crossed the threshold into her world, her reaction was one he could never forget. She, in turn, had clutched the door handle and with trembling hands, closed it right in his face. Fear had gripped her young heart, a fear that he, this new presence in her life, might take her beloved parents away from her. The raw emotion of that moment painted a portrait of a frightened child, guarding fiercely the love she held for the only constants in her world.

From that point on, Alan's life was filled with stolen glances, each one a precious treasure. Occasionally, he would catch a glimpse of her, a fleeting figure walking past the garden or exiting the house. On one occasion, fate brought them together in the kitchen, and at that moment, his heart pounded so ferociously that he feared he might faint. Their eyes locked, and she studied him intently, a hint of curiosity dancing in her gaze. Then, she gave a nod, cool and composed, before vanishing once more. It was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless – at least she had acknowledged his presence.

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