Belial was of the same opinion. It would be too much of a coincidence, of course.

"Where is Katonimana?" Belial asked the village elder.

He looked at him and looked at him briefly. "She is said to still be with Degei, who, according to legend, is still trapped in the Sawa-i-lau caves, waiting for a member of his people to free him," he replied.

"Can you take us to this place?" he asked Elenoa, who was sitting next to him.

Before she could say anything, however, the village elder interrupted her: "My son, this place is dangerous. The caves are said to be the resting place of Ulutini. Ulutini, a legendary Fijian god, has 10 heads, one of which is a human, the other 9 snakes. The human head is said to be so beautiful that it is almost too much for a mortal. However, he hates people more than anything else."

Another God? But he had to follow this trail.

"My mate is strong. I feel like I have to go there. I can't explain it," Aleks said, lowering his head thoughtfully. He didn't want to contradict the head of the village, but his instincts told him that something was waiting for him in the cave.

The head of the village looked at him for a while, sighed and admitted defeat. "Well, then our prayer – the priest of our village – will give you permission and say a prayer of protection for you. But enough now, let's celebrate this evening together."

And they did. They enjoyed the time together and chatted around the cozy campfire. When Aleks' eyes slowly closed, they said goodbye to go to sleep. That night, Aleks had a dream.

A drop woke him up and he opened his eyes. The dripping came from a stalactite, from which drops fell down onto the stalagmite beneath it. Cautiously, he sat up and looked around. He was in a cave with numerous stalactites hanging from the ceiling, stalagmites and stalactites. From a distance he heard a whisper, as soft as the sound of the wind.

Aleks rose and walked cautiously in the direction from which the whisper came. He passed through a narrow corridor and a new chamber awaited him. In the center of the chamber was a small pond, the surface of which was moving. As he approached, he saw three creatures creating the small ripples in the water. There were two fish – one in iridescent white, the other pitch black and a gray eel, which swam incessantly around in circles. The fish whispered something, but he couldn't understand it.

When Aleks knelt down, the eel stopped swimming and looked at him. He opened his mouth and closed it again.

You are here, child of God. But the time is not yet ripe. Only when the three of them meet will you be welcome here.

Suddenly, he saw a long bluish scaly tail and opened his eyes. The moment he turned around, he was devoured by a large black mouth.

Aleks woke up from his sleep and gasped. Belial was immediately at his side and pulled him reassuringly into his arms.

"Tsuka, everything alright?" he asked.

Aleks looked into two soothing green eyes. His pulse slowly calmed down and he calmed down. What was that?

Aleksander - a fateful decision (Vol.5) Final book ✅️Where stories live. Discover now