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 I started walking towards him trying to fight the way I felt. Wu-jin was my friend. Ha-ri tried to walk to him but Mi-jin and Ms.park held her back. I stuck my arm out and walked slowly.

"I know you're not Wu-jin anymore." He turned to me and started running but I held him back by his shoulders. His efforts to bite me were getting harder to avoid but I couldn't kill him. I closed my eyes for a moment and kept my grip on him but he was pulled away. Nam-ra had him in her grasp and just like I'd done with zombies not long ago, she broke his neck. Wu-jin's body dropped and that was the end of it.

"There's more coming we have to keep moving." Ms.Park held Ha-ri but she wiggled out of her grip and started walking in the opposite direction. I reached for her arm to stop her.

"Ha-ri, don't, you'll get yourself killed." She tried to rip out of my grip as well but I tightened it. Ha-ri pushed at my shoulder but I didn't let go.

"Don't die for no reason," Nam-ra says looking straight at her. Ha-ri let's a tear fall and walks back to Ms.Park. I look back to Nam-ra, she seems strange. "If we start running we could make it. We should have enough time." Su-hyeok throws Dae-su's arm around his shoulder and I move to On-jo. The group begins walking again, eventually we make it further into the city. By now I joined Su-hyeok in carrying Dae-su with On-jo besides me. I try to listen for nam-ra's footsteps, nothing. I try to keep going but spare a glance back at Nam-ra only she wasn't there. I turn fully and see her running in the opposite direction.

"NAM-RA!" She doesn't stop.

"On-jo help Su-hyeok with Dae-su" I say as I start running after her. I hear her call for me but I keep going. I slow to a walk when I start hearing strange noises not far from me and I decide to walk slower to make less noise in case it's a zombie. Slowly I peer behind the corner of a store to find Nam-ra eating away at a zombie.

"Nam-ra, are you okay?" She turns to me, and I notice the wound on her forehead. I step closer but she backs away. Footsteps get louder behind me and then stop.

"Y/n? Nam-ra?" On-jo steps closer with Su-hyeok on her tail.

"Stay back," Nam-ra orders.

"Nam-ra come with us." I stay quiet and let On-jo say what she wants to say. She takes another step but Nam-ra reacts.

"I SAID STAY BACK!!" She starts sprinting at On-jo and I step in, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her back. She fights against me but I drag us both backwards. After a few seconds Nam-ra falls and Su-hyeok runs to her. I walk back to On-jo and pull her close. I know what happens now, I know what Nam-ra's thinking. On-jo's arms wrap around my shoulder and I place my cheek on the top of her head. Su-hyeok holds Nam-ra and we all stay there in silence. "We can't go with you guys. We're infected."

"You can come with us, they'll let you in. We'll keep you safe." I shake my head and On-jo looks at me desperately. "Please don't go," she says digging her head into my chest. "Y/n please don't." I look down at her and run my hands from her waist to her neck. Again she looks up.

"We don't know what they'll do to us. It's not safe for us to go with you. They could kill the group because of us." My hands are on either side of her jaw now. On-jo is staring at me, the tears in her eyes are still falling. She tried to blink them away and I wipe at one with my thumb. "I'm sorry." Slowly I bring my face closer to hers. Her heart starts beating loudly and I could hear her breath stop as I finally place my lips onto hers. It's slow at first, her mouth is cold, her lips are addicting. I feel On-jo place her arms around my neck and pull me in closer. We kiss for what feels like years and I never want it to end. I'll never get enough of her.

"Y/n. We have to go and they need to go." In the end we pull away. I kiss On-jo's cheek and I take a step back.

"Please don't leave. Let me go with you. Just, please don't leave." On-jo takes my hand and I don't pull away. I can't. I know I should but I can't, so I look to Su-hyeok. He walks towards us and takes On-jo. He drags her away from me and I watch. Nam-ra takes my hand and pulls me in the opposite direction. I don't turn away until On-jo is out of my sight. There's only one thought running through my mind. I promised I wouldn't leave and then I did.

It's been a week since the group left. Nam-ra and I have heard from a few others we've run into that there's a quarantine where they took all the survivors. I hope that's where they are. Nam-ra and I have since returned to the school. There are still zombies around but a few nights ago soldiers were in the city, killing them off. Every night we go to the roof and set a fire. We talk about our friends and at times the others tell us about their past. Tonight is no different, Nam-ra and I set the fire then walked to the other side of the roof to gather more wood, or what we could find. Everything was normal until we heard shuffling, voices. We stopped what we were doing and looked at each other. Could it be that they came back? I recognize the voices. Is On-jo there?" We walk to the side where we have a better view of the door and watch as a group comes out. They don't know we're there but they look at the fire. On-jo comes into view. I want to run to her but Nam-ra stops me. Su-hyeok, Hyo-ryun, Ha-ri, Mi-jin, Dae-su and On-jo are all gathered around the fire. I look to Nam-ra and she nods. Slowly we walk over to them.


"You made it." We speak simultaneously and they all turn in surprise. On-jo doesn't hesitate before running into my arms.

"Oh Y/n" I held her tight and took in her smell. Sweet. "I missed you. I was so worried. I didn't know what happened to you guys." I didn't let her say anything else before I brought our faces closer and kissed her. She was surprised but fell into rhythm quickly.

"Okay we get it don't eat each other." I flipped off Dae-su while my lips were still on On-jo's before pulling away.

"Are you two okay? How have you been?" Su-hyeok asks. We nod and I let Nam-ra give them a small rundown of what our week was like.

"You guys can come with us now, it's safe."

"We have a few things we still need to do, people to talk to."


"Like us," I say. "I'm happy you're safe, all of you. It was terrible not knowing. And now you know we're safe. We'll see each other again soon."

"Please stay." On-jo takes my hand. I lean in and kiss her.

"We're together even when we're apart." I hug her and turn back. Noises can be heard in the distance.

'It's them." Nam-ra tells them. She makes her way to the edge of the roof and turns to me. I let On-jo go but I keep her hand in mine.

"I'll see you soon. And if too long passes I'll look for you myself. In the end I'll make sure I'm with you." I let her hand go as Nam-ra jumps over the edge.

"Promise me we'll meet," On-jo calls out. She's standing behind me when I turn to her. I kiss her again and whisper into her ear.

"I promise." Then I jump, following Nam-ra into the abandoned city once more.

Again, I haven't edited but I hope you enjoyed the story. Apologies if this isn't the ending you wanted. Feel free to let me know if there's anything you'd like to read.

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