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"Y/n, stop. Ji-min, Nam-ra wont turn, it's been past the time limit someone would need to wait before turning," Ms.Park brought up.

"Please don't fight. Leaving will solve everything." Her voice is low but I can still hear what she's saying. Nam-ra began walking towards the door but as I reached for her hand I merely felt as her fingers slipped from mine. On-jo and Ms.Park were able to catch her.

"You can't, where would you go?" Nam-ra struggled against On-jo's grip. "I don't want anyone else dying." She looked down at their hands. "Hyeon-ju and I-sak, their hands were very cold before they turned," On-jo turned to face everyone in the room. "Nam-ra's hands are warm. She isn't a zombie. So cut it out and let's talk about how to get to the roof."

"No," Ji-min blurts.

"Ji-min leave it be. She's not biting and she's not turning. Either deal with the fact that Nam-ra isn't going anywhere or take a hike." She turns to me and scoffs.

"So much for protecting everyone." I walked towards her until I was standing right infront of her.

"I've been fed up with people's attitude since Na-yeon was around. I'll protect anyone who deserves it. Right now... you're behind the cut off." Ji-min wasn't backing down and neither was I. A clap came from behind me.

"YAH! Y/n." I turn around to see Ms.Park. "Cut it out. It's a new situation. Everyone reacts differently." I can't help but smile at her as I step away from Ji-min before shaking my head.

"Clever Ms.Park. Using my own words against me." She smiles.

"Just calm down okay. No one is leaving or getting left behind."

"Ji-min if you're so scared, how about this," Su-hyeok says grabbing a piece of cloth from the ground. He takes it and ties it around his and Nam-ra's wrist. She struggles against him but eventually gets tied. He holds up their hands for everyone to see. "If she turns she'll bite me instead."

"Su-hyeok if you wanted to hold her hand you could have asked her," I joke.

"Y/n," he says. I nod. Ok not the time. The two make their way to the window and the rest of us go to the circle of chairs made earlier. I look to Nam-ra once more before turning back.

"It'll be okay," On-jo reassures me as she sits next to me. I lean back and scrunch up my face, my back still hurts from the big wack earlier. Cheong-san notices and leans forwards.

"I'm sorry about that. I really am just trying to protect everyone like you are." I nod my head accepting his apology.

"I'm not sorry for protecting my friend against an angry mob," I joke. He gives me a small chuckle and lets out a breath as he relaxes in his chair too. After Dae-su brings up food everyone begins to chime in on different foods or drinks they want.

"Y/n what food do you crave most right now?" I think for a minute as everyone turns to me.

"Maybe In-n-out." They give me a questioning looks. "It's got some really good hamburgers, the fries are okay. Haven't had it in years."

"Sometimes I forget you're American," Dae-su mentions.

"Me too unless her accent slips out a bit more than usual," Wu-jin adds. The boys go against me and start trying to mimic my accent.

"If there were anything I could throw at you that wasn't heavy I would." On-jo and Cheong-san chime in as well and my embarrassment is at an all time high. Eventually everyone settles down and I turn to catch a glimpse of Ms.Park sitting towards the center of the room taking in my embarrassment. Dae-su begins looking around and his eyes land on a door behind us, he turns the handle but it's locked. "Does anyone have a bobby pin?"

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