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Now in frame, they could see you running your hand through your hair while actively engaging in a conversation with Cheong-san and someone else. The girls looked at each other before looking back at the screen. On-jo looked back at Nam-ra one more time. She wondered if she liked you, you two hadn't really been friends and she never saw you two converse before this situation began.

"Oh my gosh look, she did it. She saved Ms.Park." The drone now revealed the third person in the room who was also shaking their head.

"Y/n, Cheong-san," Su-hyeok called out.

"They can't hear you," Joon-yeong told him. The group watched as you argued with each other before turning to look back at the door altogether.

"Y/N!" On-jo called out.

"I said they can't hear you." Su-hyeok turns to On-jo. And brings her in for a hug.

"They're okay, Y/n and Cheong-san are okay." Nam-ra watched as they embraced. Su-hyeok catches her gaze and quickly pulls back from On-jo.

"What room are they in?" Su-hyeok then turns to stare into the little screen a bit harder.

"Looks like the music room," Wu-jin adds. Everyone seems to agree, happy that you're all alive.

"Now that we know they're okay can we go check outside? Is that okay On-jo?" Ji-min asks. On-jo nods her head glad that you're both alive and Joon-yeong moves the drone outside. Everyone is shocked at the mount of zombies crawling around the school. The drone flies over to the street in front of the school. "Wait."

"What is it?" Ji-min begins to shake as she stares into the screen. The drone zooms into a small white truck. As it gets closer you could see two zombies clawing at the glass trying to reach the drone.

"Ji-min what's wrong?" Hyo-ryung asks again slowly. Ji-min's face was now covered in tears as she tried to tell everyone what was happening.

"That's my dads car,"she whimpers. On-jo lets her own tears fall as she watches. She also fears that her dad may not be okay. She's been waiting for him and he hasn't shown up. Everyone looks at the zombies once more before the drone dies. They were all collectively thinking the same thing. If it happened to Ji-min's parents it's possible that it happened to ours as well. After an hour of silence and On-jo holding Ji-min as she stared at the table, Ji-min slowly removed On-jo's hands from her arm. Without any time to react Ji-min makes her way to the window and climbs onto the window sill. Luckily Wu-jin and Dae-su were able to reach her before she jumped out, everyone crowded around trying to keep her from jumping. "My parents are dead. What am I supposed to do alone?" She let the tears fall from her face once more.

"Why would you die, you idiot?" Ji-min didn't turn to her.

"What's the use?"

"Live anyways." Both girls took a seat next to each other in the recording room, Ji-min angry at On-jo.

"You don't know what I'm feeling. Don't tell me what to do. I have nothing waiting for me if we make it out."

"I've been waiting for my dad to show up, for him to find me." On-jo herself now had tears falling. "He's always here for me and now he's not. Who knows maybe he can't. What if my dad.."

"At least you can hope," Ji-min snaps at her. She sets her head down and hits the microphone besides her. In the main room a loud screech is heard. Dae-su immediately covers his ears wondering what the hell that was. Nam-ra figures it out and walks into the recording room

"The mic went off in here." She walks over to it and turns it off before turning it back on. The rest of the group makes their way in as well flinching at the sounds the mic made after turning back on. On-jo gives Nam-ra a curious look.

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