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It was quiet for a few minutes, the only noise was our panting. "YAH!!" Ms.Park began hitting me. "You could have gotten hurt, why did you follow us?" I grabbed her hand to stop her and held it, still trying to catch my breath.

"No one should die, especially not you Ms.Park. We need you." I dropped the window I realized I was still holding and grabbed my arm before fully grasping the situation.

"Oh my gosh," I put a hand all around my body. "We're actually alive, I thought we were gonna die. I gave this a 40/60 chance of working."

"You're bleeding," her voice sounded alarmed. I waved her off and pushed my hair back.

"I used this arm to take down that zombie that was about to grab you." She nodded and looked around the room.

"Music room."

"We should wait it out here before we try to go back to the others." She hummed in response.


Nam-ra stared at the door, still shocked that you'd actually left. She didn't want you to die, she'd actually grown quite fond of you while in this situation. Cheong-san became restless, he'd lost two of his close friends in less than an hour. He'd hoped he'd be able to see you again and tried to set it into his mind that you were capable of taking care of yourself. Dae-su was still crying on Wu-jin's shoulder as Ji-min and Joon-yeong tried to comfort him. On-jo, like Nam-ra, stared at the door. Her heart sank as low as it could when you ran out the door. Gosh forbid you get hurt. She cant stand the idea of you being hurt somewhere alone. She was slightly upset that Nam-ra didn't hold you tight enough to keep you from leaving but knew it wasn't the girls fault.

What seemed like an eternity passed before everyone found themselves sitting at the table in the center of the room.

"I didn't hear anything," Cheong-san broke the silence. Su-hyeok looked at him.

"Like what?"

"I mean after Y/n ran after them. I didn't hear anything after that."

"You mean screaming?" Cheong-san nods. In this specific moment, just now, On-jo hated you. She hated you for going after them. She hated you for not listening to her. She hated you because she loved you so much. Hearing what Cheong-san said, the group begins to think you could be alright. Maybe you saved both people. Maybe you didn't become zombie chow.

"Maybe they didn't die then, they would have been screaming if they were getting bitten by zombies. They must be alive. Y/n must have saved them." Dae-su tried to voice what everyone was thinking but there was still a doubt in everyone. When no one replies and he feels as if he's talking to himself.

"I don't know what I would have felt if I'd heard them screaming, but I didn't hear anything," Hyo-ryung finally chimes in. On-jo couldn't bear the thought of hearing you scream in pain. She'd give anything to keep from ever seeing you get hurt. The others felt the same, no one would know how to feel either.

"Then I'm right? They're alive." Everyone but Ji-min nods their heads.

"Should Na-yeon be alive though? She's a murderer. She killed Gyeong-su and walked out on her own." Wu-jin stood up straighter from where he was leaning.

"What about Ms.Park and Y/n? Should they die too?" On-jo and Nam-ra wait for Ji-min's response. Nam-ra was becoming fed up with the conversation and could see others with similar expressions. Does Ji-min really think they all deserve to die out there?

"Is that our fault?"

"We're still responsible for what happened."

"Why? What did we do wrong?" Ji-min grew more and more frustrated. Tears lining up. "We didn't make any of them go out there. It was their own choice." Nam-ra stood abruptly.

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