I reach out and gently place my hand on Lilian's shoulders. My voice full of gratitude, I say, "But I assure you, my eyes are only reflecting the weight of my concern for our plan."

She buys it. She gives me a hug and tells me how much she loves me.

I really hope this plan works out. We better not go to that shitty tea party. I can't help but feel a glimmer of hope as Lilian embraces me and expresses her love. Maybe, just maybe, I can trust her after all. However, deep down, a lingering doubt remains, reminding me to remain cautious and vigilant.


Lilian suggested that we go out rather than have a tea party, and Mother agreed. We dressed casually and wore a dark cloak. Lilian pleaded mother that we go by ourselves, but she wouldn't allow us to leave alone. Nonetheless, she sent out a knight with us. At the very least, she sent one knight rather than several.

As we ventured out, Lilian's excitement was contagious.

We've been having a good time exploring the city. We had forgotten the presence of our knight. We eventually arrived at the local market. We had a peek at the exhibits. The vibrant colours and diverse goods on display caught our attention. The market was bustling with activity, with merchants showcasing their prices and customers bargaining for deals.

We couldn't resist sampling local delicacies and were excited by the smells. As we continued exploring, we spotted a stall selling handmade crafts, showcasing the rich cultural heritage of the region.

seeing those in person, I try to hide my excitement. I've only read in books about these. As we continued to explore the market, Lilian's eyes lit up as she spotted a sparkly hairband.

As I stood there, I noticed a ring. It is simply white, with a white stone in the center. I take it and carefully inspect it. Curiosity piqued, and I asked the merchant about its origins. However, she didn't seem to hear me since she was preoccupied with customers.

"It's a mage ring." A deep voice startled me. I turned to face whoever had just spoken. I realise it is the knight who has joined us. "So, how does it work?" I ask.

"When someone wears it, it changes its colour according to their elements. It helps the person learn and control magic easier. If unpreventive harmful magic is used, the ring absorbs those and returns the mana into the person's body," he says.

Basically, it's a ring that aids amateurs in learning and exercising control over magic. Given that I'm still unable to control some powers, it could be useful to me. The knight adds, "It is a rare and valuable artifact."

The ring begins to take on a new look as soon as I put it on. The central stone takes on a dark blue hue. The metal seemed to come alive, and sophisticated patterns, delicate engravings, and rich designs began to emerge. It changes from a traditional metal texture to crystal, smooth and feels cool against my skin.

"Oh my, this ring has never changed into one so exquisite. You must be an extremely powerful element. Which element are you? Could you possibly be lightning or ice?" I laugh at her when I hear her.

Lightning and ice are more powerful than water. Water elements are regarded as the weakest, despite having certain applications. Should I inform her that I'm a water element, the weakest element?

"I think the ring is nice. I'll take it." I say.

"You, oh you. It seems that you are a wind element." The Owner almost let out a scream. What the.. wind? Bro seriously?

"What are you saying?" I ask the lady merchant. She says, "You must be a great holy wind element," pointing at me.

I reply, "I am not sure I understand what you are trying to say." she keeps mumbling by herself.

Speaking softly, she states, "If a spell is cast that could be harmful to the wearer, the ring will absorb it." It also helps the owner control unintended spells. Seeing the ring's appearance, it shows you're either a wind or ice element. It follows that you must be the most powerful element if you are a wind element with these characteristics. You have power over nearly all wind-related activities."

Woao, no wonder I was capable of doing the ice thing at the bouquet; I must be a wind element. I chuckle in sarcasm.

'Your skin is glowing white. Are you casting any spell?" The merchant lady asks.

Well... Nope.

She continues, "I have heard that if You are casting a dangerous spell, Your skin or eyes will glow."

"It also happens when someone is casting a dangerous spell on you," the knight next to me murmurs.

And who would that be? Is she referring to my skin's natural paleness? I almost bought into it, dude. She is obviously a talented actress.

The knight beside me scans my surroundings thoroughly.

His brown eyes shape-shift and go grey.

Oh no, hold on. That's...a rare wolf's eye. His eyes changed to resemble wolves. I can feel a shiver run down my spine as I realise that the knight beside me resembles someone.

The only knight who has this is "Noah...?" He gives me a confused look and lifts an eyebrow. "It's a fraud. You know I'm not a wind element," I say while remaining calm. I met Noah even though I did not attend that shit-faced party. It seemed that fate had intertwined our paths long before we were meant to meet. Did I just promote him as Lilian's suitor earlier than it occurred?

With a laugh, Noah's eyes return to their natural shape. Yes, please continue grinning at me rather than my corpse. "Seriously, you fell for that?" I ask, amusement noticeable in my voice yet nervously. "I can't believe someone would try to sell it off saying I'm wind element. It's ridiculous." I mumble.

Noah laughs loudly as soon as he hears that. Not a single thing has occurred thus far. Yep, I should maintain my composure.

I ignore him and turn to look at the woman.

"I'll take the ring," I say. The lady nods, her eyes filled with curiosity. I look at the ring on my hand. It sparkles with a vibrant blue gemstone, reflecting the light in a mesmerising way.

With a playful tone, Noah says, "I thought it was a fraud." I give Noah a playful shove while rolling my eyes. I give Noah a playful shove while rolling my eyes. "hmm, even if I'm not a wind element, but it's still a beautiful piece of jewellery."

"It looks pretty." Lilian jumps in and holds my hand while caressing the ring. The lady watches our interaction, her curiosity turning into satisfaction as she sees the ring being appreciated.

With a smile, Lilian continues, "It fits you perfectly." I playfully push my hair back, showing off my pride. The woman smiles more broadly, obviously happy with the affirmative answer. "I'm glad you both like it," she says, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

"It is not just the ring that is beautiful," Lilian remarks, admiration glimmering in her eyes. "You have a natural elegance that shines through everything you wear." I feel a warm glow spread through my cheeks.

I clear my throat as I say, "Okay, enough flattery.. let me give you a present. I'm in a great mood right now." Lilian chuckles.

Noah grins and playsfully taunts. I see that you have discovered your new go-to piece of jewelry, huh?"

"Well, it is definitely up there on the list now," I mockingly respond as I roll my eyes at him once more.

A couple of foals can be seen strolling by as we turn to look behind us in response to the noise we hear. Lilian and I exchange knowing glances, both excited by seeing it. "So Cute!" Together, Lilian and I utter the words.

"Should we go check them out?" Noah suggests, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. Lilian and I nod eagerly and run towards them.

"Wait!" With a deep sigh, Noah laughs.

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