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"Here," Mom places a stack of plates and a handful of forks in my hands. "You carry these, I carry the cake."


The cake is decorated the same every year. White frosting, strawberries, and blueberries forming an American Flag. This year Mom even piped a dollop edge around the cake. It looks especially artful, especially delicious.

Before grabbing the cake, Mom stands on her tiptoes and kisses my forehead. I have to bend down a little for her to reach, but she doesn't notice. She still thinks I'm her little boy.

"You're such a great helper, Jere. I appreciate everything you've done this summer. To help me, your sister, Conrad...it's not unnoticed."

I laugh. "Thanks, Mom. You know I'm usually the good son."

She playfully slaps my arm. "Jeremiah Fisher! I have never said that."

"You were thinking it," I reply with a wink.

Mom rolls her eyes and laughs. I feel a sense of relief with that short sentimental moment over. I told Kristin not to worry about anything this summer. I can't make Conrad do the same, but I can control myself. Which means not to worry about him or my mother. Everything's fine. My mom always makes sure everything's fine. When she's around, it is.

"Alright, get outside," Mom tells me, reaching for the cake and its annual crystal stand.

I do what she says and move toward the back door when his voice stops me.

"Happy Fourth, Sues,"

I spin around so quickly that the stack of plates tip and I quickly rebalance them. "Dad?" I can feel the smile spread across my face. I can't believe he's here, he was supposed to be gone. Out of the country, even. "Just wait until you see the fireworks I have planned for tonight!" I say excitedly.

"Adam," Mom says, less enthusiastically. All the joy that she expressed moments ago was gone. Already I can sense the tension between them. "Why are you here?"

"Because I never miss your party, Susannah. And I thought you would want me here." He motions to the cake. "Can I give you a hand?"

"No," Mom answers quickly, lifting and balancing the cake in her arms. "I got it. Just, talk to your son. You have weeks worth catching up on."

I wonder what Conrad would do in this situation, who he would side with. Mom or Dad? Or maybe he would just walk away. That wouldn't surprise me.
What did surprise me though, was how Dad acted like he was expected to be here. Did plans change and Mom just forgot to tell us? And how long was he going to stay?

I don't really care, not specifically anyways, about any of this. In reality, I'm just glad my dad is here like he usually is. That my family is together. That I can show him the firework show I have planned for tonight – something I usually do with him and Conrad every summer but this year I planned on doing it independently.

"So, how's your brother and sister?" Dad asks, sitting on a stool at the counter. I'm still standing with the plates and forks.

"Good," I answer, knowing that it isn't completely true but close enough. He already knows how Conrad is, and outside of seeming confused, Kris is doing well. Me, I was doing alright.

"And your mom?"

I shrug. "Also good."

That's when I hear the shattering glass and sharp scream that I would recognize anywhere. Belly.


It was taking them a while, Mom and Jeremiah.

While I waited for them, Belly, Conrad, Steven, and all their significant others came back toward the house. Shayla's eyes were red and she claimed to not feel well and told me she was going home. Nicole, Conrad's apparent girlfriend, left with her. Conrad's eyes were hard and Steven looked anxious. So he told them he wasn't coming back. He broke up with Shayla and left Conrad confused as to why. He probably didn't know that he was part of the reason.

Everything Changes-The Summer I Turned PrettyWhere stories live. Discover now